Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 350gr PSITTACUS PI3035 €9.24 Designed for species that in the wild consume mainly seeds of grasses pratenses (genera Melopsittacus, Nymphicus, Psephotus, Neophema). It is a maintenance feed suitable for stages of reproductive inactivity. View
Out-of-Stock birds Papilla para Palomas Granivoras PSITTACUS COLUMBAE 1kg PSITTACUS CL6210 €20.49 Suitable for manual breeding of granivorous pigeons, including all breeds of domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica), from the first week of life until emancipation. View
Out-of-Stock birds Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Proteina 1kg PSITTACUS PA3210 €20.24 Porridge designed to manually breed those species of parrot that require diets low in fat (Amazon, Pionus, Psittacula, Pyrrhura, Pionites leucogaster). It is a continuation porridge that must be used from the moment the barrels of the feathers emerge until emancipation. View