Disponible birds NEKTON BIOTIN estimula el crecimiento del plumaje 700 gr Nekton 207750 €91.52 Nekton Bio 750 g Stimulator of the growth of the plumage activating the metabolism, for optimal renewal Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Encelador LEGAZIN con ortiga + Vitamina Plus E+ maca para aves 120 ml Legazin 20027 €17.84 The Encelador Legazín is a completely natural product, made with nettle extract and vitamin E. Its regular use stimulates the zeal and playback in all types of birds, at the same time that it promotes the song and paste it in the male goldfinches, greenfinches, canaries, siskins and other wild birds. Being a natural product there are no contraindications. Add to basket
Disponible birds vitamina E concentrada para aves NEKTON E 35 gr. Nekton 202035 €10.51 Nekton E contains a high percentage of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds NEKTON BIOTIN Complejo vitamínico estimulante del crecimiento de plumas, 35 gr Nekton 207035 €13.02 Nekton Bio,vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, calcium in the form of water-soluble powder that promotes the growth of bird plumage. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Nekton B-Complex 35gr, excelente combinación de todas las vitaminas del grupo B) Nekton 212035 €9.57 Nekton B Complex is a B vitamin supplement to add to poultry feed. They help the recovery of birds after a period of illness, to recover their appetite and to maintain a correct functioning of the nervous system. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds Nekton MSA Suplemento mineral y de vitamina D3, 40 gr. Nekton 225035 €8.77 Nekton MSA is a mineral concentrate enriched with vitamin D3 and amino acids Add to basket
Last items in stock Canaries' food Alpiste Canada Extra Manitoba 20 kilos Manitoba 140308101 €48.80 Birdseed Canada (Manitoba)It is a seed with certified quality of canada, with a high content of carbohydrates and little fat content, so it is advisable to supply them with another type of seeds that have a higher proportion of fat. Suitable for all types of birds granivoras Add to basket
Disponible Food for goldfinches and wild birds Mixtura para camachuelos INDIGENA MANITOBA 2.5 kg Manitoba 140260152 €17.78 Complete blend of superior quality for ornamental birds. Special mixing for shrimps and condoms composed of an excellent variety of seeds. It guarantees the health and well-being of your birds. Composition: Milk thistle, sunflower pipe, rosehip, oatmeal... Add to basket
Disponible Food for goldfinches and wild birds Mixtura para jilgueros carduelidi MANITOBA 2.5 kg Manitoba 140260102 €16.41 Mxt. Jilgueros Carduelidi + Chia (Manitoba) + Description: Professional blend of extra quality, special for Jilgueros Mayor, balanced formula recommended throughout the year. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Food for goldfinches and wild birds Mixtura para jilgueros carduelidi MANITOBA 15 KG + Chia Manitoba 14026010 €74.15 Mxt. Jilgueros Carduelidi + Chia (Manitoba) + Description: Professional blend of extra quality, special for Jilgueros Mayor, balanced formula recommended throughout the year. View
Disponible Canaries' food Mixtura MANITOBA T5 para canarios saco 20 kg Manitoba 1402600512 €55.98 Mxt. T5 Canaries of Manitoba Description: Professional blend of extra special quality for Canaries, rich in fat seeds. Balanced formula recommended throughout the year. Composition: Alpiste, black, white knob, linaza, red nabina, black nabina and reed. Add to basket
Disponible Canaries' food Mixtura para canarios PLATINO MANITOBA T3 20 kg Manitoba 140260032 €50.64 T3 Manitoba Platinum is a professional blend of extra quality, Special for Canaries composed of canaryseeds composed of canaryseeds, knob, blacksmith, flaxseed and reed. Balanced formula recommended throughout the year. Add to basket
Disponible Canaries' food Mixtura para canarios Manitoba T3 Platino 5 kg Manitoba 140260035 €17.78 Special mixing for canaries with knob, Manitoba T3 Platinum by Manitoba Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Alimento para pájaros LEGAZIN ENERGY MEDIUM F3 4 kg Legazin LG1054 €27.30 Complete food and balanced for birds such as Cardueldis, Serinus and their hybrids. View
Out-of-Stock birds Alimento equilibrado para pájaros LEGAZIN ENERGY PERFECT F2 4 kg Legazin 1010181320 €26.09 Balanced feed for birds. Suitable for canaries and their hybrids. View
Disponible birds Alpiste Manitoba Canadá extra 5 kg Manitoba 140308105 €18.65 Alpiste Canada Manitoba 5 kg, is a very high quality alpiste thanks to its seed selection process Add to basket
Disponible Food for Birds Lechuga Blanca Extra Manitoba 1kg Manitoba 140036931 €15.39 Manitoba Extra 1 kg white lettuce, purifying for blood, very nutritious, quite easy to digest, fat-free and refreshing Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta de cria ORNI SUPREME verde natural mórbida para jilgueros 2 kg Legazin LG332 €17.35 PASTA CRIA SUPREMME NATURAL GREEN With pea, milk thistle, artichoke, and spirulina packaging: 2kg Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta silvestres verde PROCRIA ORNICOMPLET 2 kg Legazin LG331 €18.10 Legazín Orni Procria Wild Green 2 kg Pasta cria morbida professional with prebiotics Mode of use: Administer freely available during the season of breeding or as an extra supply of food. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Pasta of breeding birds Nieve de Grasa Orni Complet Legazin 2 kg Legazin LG318 €15.92 Legazin Snow Fat is a food supplement rich in fats suitable for the preparation of the females at the time of breeding. View
Disponible birds MANITOBA PATÉ INSECT 400 gr pasta para aves insectívoras Manitoba 14041394 €5.90 Paté Insect Manitoba 400 gr. Morbid pasta for insectivorous birds Add to basket
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds Pasta Blanca Mórbida Cándido 3 kg Manitoba 1404323 €16.03 Professional wet white pasta NO DORTM of extra quality for all types of birds, without dyes based on totally natural bakery products. Add to basket