Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas y Aminoácidos Hidrosolubles CALIER Promotor L47 para Todo Tipo de Animales 1... Calier 26000022 €22.84 Laboratories Calier launches PROMOTOR-L 47. It is a food supplement for poultry, which is given orally in the drinking water in order to facilitate the product is taken by birds. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin PROMOTOR 43 Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER 10 Sobres de 100 gr Calier 300320181 €78.09 Promoter 43 Vitamins and amino acids in powder, soluble in water can be incorporated into the pasta de cria. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of imbalances and nutritional deficiencies in periods of stress. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas TT con Electrolitos para Aves CALIER en Sobre de Aluminio 100 gr Calier 39000107 €7.25 VITAMINS TT + ELECTROLYTES oral powder soluble in water is ideal to treat the lack of vitamins and periods of convalescence in birds (canaries, parakeets, finches, chickens, partridges, etç....). Its composition is high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER PROMOTOR L47 5 Litros Calier pro00003 €77.89 PROMOTOR L 47 Amino acids and vitamins in oral solution Lab CALIER Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Addons for birds Recuperador K ORNICIN 160 ml Legazin 230318422 €16.41 Recovery K recovery for canaries, finches, exotic, parrots, etc, with electrolytes, vitamin K, amino acids and vitamins. View
Out-of-Stock Addons for birds Recuperador K LEGAZIN 120 ML Legazin 0901191754 €16.94 Recovery K recovery for canaries, finches, exotic, parrots, etc, with electrolytes, vitamin K, amino acids and vitamins. View
Disponible birds suplemento respiratorio SERIRESPIR LATAC para aves liquido 20 ml Latac 031220201322 €9.72 Effective in the control of asthma thanks to its eucalyptus and mint content, also used as a decongestant and expectorant thanks to its essential pine oils. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties by the presence of rosemary. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds alimento complementario AVICOR FORTE CRIA para todo tipo de aves 750 gr PIUMER 44100 €14.95 Especially recommended as a complement to other foods for our birds in times of maximum nutritional demands. It is especially suitable for improving fertility, breeding and growth in young animals. No doré View
Last items in stock birds anti picaje para aves STOP PICAJE LEGAZIN polvo 1150 gr Legazin LG416 €8.11 Nutritional supplement against chopping in moulting. Target species: Canaries, jilgueros, pardillos, verderones, Venezuelan cardinals, psitacidos and all kinds of birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds suplemento respiratorio SERIRESPIR LATAC para aves liquido 150 ml Latac 13042021 €14.81 Effective in the control of asthma thanks to its eucalyptus and mint content, also used as a decongestant and expectorant thanks to its essential pine oils. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties by the presence of rosemary. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Suplemento respiratorio SERIRESPIR LATAC POLVO 125 gr Latac 111120211 €16.27 SERIRESPIR is a complementary food based on four EXTRACTS OF NATURAL PLANTS (Eucalyptus, Mint, Pine and Rosemary) specially formulated to support states that occur with alterations of the respiratory system of different origin. Add to basket
Disponible birds Vitamina E + Selenio SERISEROL LATAC para aves liquido 20 ml Latac 041220201321 €9.75 It improves fertility and sexual appetite, thus facilitating the appreggling of problem birds. Magnificent help in cases of vitamin deficiency in the body. Add to basket
Disponible birds Vitamina E + Selenio SERISEROL LATAC para aves liquido 150 ml Latac 041220201330 €14.93 It improves fertility and sexual appetite, thus facilitating the appreggling of problem birds. Magnificent help in cases of vitamin deficiency in the body. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta de cria ORNI SUPREME verde natural mórbida para jilgueros 2 kg Legazin LG332 €17.35 PASTA CRIA SUPREMME NATURAL GREEN With pea, milk thistle, artichoke, and spirulina packaging: 2kg Add to basket
Disponible birds Cajón Educador Insonorizado Premium tamaño medio PIUMER 090620231 €83.03 Soundproof singing educator for wild people such as goldfinches, pardillos, verderones and their mixtos ideal to educate their singing for contests. Made of white wood. Size 31 x 33 x 26 Add to basket