Last items in stock Calcium for birds Complemento para Aves CANARIZ Dax Perform 200 gr Canariz 063002 €19.80 PERFORM guarantees: - Feathers fluffy and soft. - Greater vitality - A change of clothes, perfect - A fertility upper - Greater resistance to disease - Excellent health - A song that is more balanced and bright Add to basket
Last items in stock Addons for birds Complemento para Aves CANARIZ Dax Perform 500 gr Canariz 066006 €26.36 PERFORM guarantees: - Feathers fluffy and soft. - Greater vitality - A change of clothes, perfect - A fertility upper - Greater resistance to disease - Excellent health - A song that is more balanced and bright Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Purificante Natural Antihongos y Antibacterias CANARIZ para el Agua de Aves 250 ml Canariz 015020 €11.10 Synergistic combination of organic acids, fungicides and fungistáticos in binding minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Purificante Natural Antihongos y Antibacterias CANARIZ para el Agua de Aves 1 Litro Canariz 039007 €18.65 Synergistic combination of organic acids, fungicides and fungistáticos in binding minerals. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Addons for birds Recuperador K ORNICIN 160 ml Legazin 230318422 €16.41 Recovery K recovery for canaries, finches, exotic, parrots, etc, with electrolytes, vitamin K, amino acids and vitamins. View
Out-of-Stock birds Cocci Help CHEMIVIT 100 gr Chemivit PMOS052 €10.29 Cocci Help Chemi Vit 100 gr. is a natural product to complement the feeding of our birds, which provides them with protection against codicios, in addition to promoting intestinal defense. View
Out-of-Stock Addons for birds Recuperador K LEGAZIN 120 ML Legazin 0901191754 €16.94 Recovery K recovery for canaries, finches, exotic, parrots, etc, with electrolytes, vitamin K, amino acids and vitamins. View
Out-of-Stock birds alimento complementario AVICOR FORTE CRIA para todo tipo de aves 750 gr PIUMER 44100 €14.95 Especially recommended as a complement to other foods for our birds in times of maximum nutritional demands. It is especially suitable for improving fertility, breeding and growth in young animals. No doré View
Last items in stock birds anti picaje para aves STOP PICAJE LEGAZIN polvo 1150 gr Legazin LG416 €8.11 Nutritional supplement against chopping in moulting. Target species: Canaries, jilgueros, pardillos, verderones, Venezuelan cardinals, psitacidos and all kinds of birds. Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Extracto de Ortiga en Polvo CANARIZ Dax Ortimax 300 gr Canariz 16122021 €24.52 NETTLE EXTRACT POWDER FOR ORNITHOLOGICAL USE, IDEAL FOR PROMOTING HEAT AND ENHANCING SINGING Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta de cria ORNI SUPREME verde natural mórbida para jilgueros 2 kg Legazin LG332 €17.35 PASTA CRIA SUPREMME NATURAL GREEN With pea, milk thistle, artichoke, and spirulina packaging: 2kg Add to basket
Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Disponible birds Cajón Educador Insonorizado Premium tamaño medio PIUMER 090620231 €83.03 Soundproof singing educator for wild people such as goldfinches, pardillos, verderones and their mixtos ideal to educate their singing for contests. Made of white wood. Size 31 x 33 x 26 Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Multivitaminico para Aves CANARIZ Rex Maximun 100 ml Canariz 348042 €13.06 Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Multivitaminico para Aves CANARIZ Rex Maximun 250 ml Canariz 348043 €17.49 Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Estimulador del Canto para Aves CANARIZ Fort Cant 50 ml Canariz 311020201133 €22.47 Fort Cant Canariz 50 ml is a estimuladior of the song and strengthener of the bird Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Teccox para Aves CANARIZ Anticodicios Natural Líquido 250 ml Canariz 348004 €16.27 Teccox: anticoccidiosic and antibacterial, it is an effective prodcuto against all kinds of bacteria, acting even against black spot and mega bacteria. It solves the problems that occur in breeding and keeps birds in perfect health. Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Teccox para Aves CANARIZ Anticodicios Natural en Polvo Microencapsulado 250 gr Canariz 348007 €15.98 Teccox: anticoccidiosic and antibacterial is an effective product against all types of bacteria, acting even against black spot and mega bacteria. It solves the problems that occur in breeding and keeps birds in perfect health. Add to basket