Out-of-Stock Antiparasitic and repellent collar antiparasitario FRONTAL DELTA 60 cm - perros pequeños y medianos hasta 25kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 73050106 €34.65 The DELTA FRONT Necklace has repellent (anti-feeding) effect against phlebotomes (Phlebotomus perniciosus) and culycid mosquitoes (Culex pipiens) for 5 and 6 months It can be considered as part of a program for the prevention of leishmaniosis and culycid mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex. Also indicated for the prevention of tick infestations View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Intensificador de blanco PROWINS WHITE PLUS 300gr. PROWINS 1802201819 €37.82 Intensifies the white of the feathers, achieving a smooth and intense white plumage. View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Nido de madera HOYO para NINFAS 18 x 30 x 22 cm PIUMER 11074 €21.85 Wooden nest for Nymphas vertically,helps to have the eggs in a suitable position. Made of wood, totally natural View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Antibiótico natural para aves PROWINS SALMOX 100 ml PROWINS 14535 €21.91 Prowins SalmoX Extra, 100% natural antibiotic for the treatment and prevention of salmonellosis, e-coli and other intestinal infections. For pigeons and birds View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Esterilla refrescante para mascotas KEEP COOLING MAT 90X50 cm PIUMER 2805246 €22.80 Mat refrescate for pets, useful for both sides, safe, easy to maintain, plegalbe and reusable. View