Last items in stock Juguetes para loros Parque de juego LORO COLOR 27 X 27 NinfasWeb 2202191331 €32.07 Add to basket
Last items in stock Pigmentation for birds NEKTON GELB pigmentante amarillo 60 gr Nekton 205035 €19.65 Vitamin yellow pigment, for all types of yellow factor birds, such as canaries. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Suplemento vitamínico para aves RED CELL AVIAN 500 ml Vetnova 016000422 €42.83 RED CELL Avian it is a complete vitamin and mineral supplement particularly rich in iron, copper, cobalt, and vitamins B6, B9, B12 and K3; developed to stimulate red blood cell production, muscle recovery and improve bird appetite and overall condition. Add to basket
Disponible birds NEKTON BIOTIN estimula el crecimiento del plumaje 700 gr Nekton 207750 €91.52 Nekton Bio 750 g Stimulator of the growth of the plumage activating the metabolism, for optimal renewal Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Arnes para agapornis, forpus y periquitos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191224 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for lovebirds, forpus and parakeets. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Arnés para cotorras NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 070620193 €11.92 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed monk parakeets, parrots of the sun. Add to basket
Disponible birds Arnes para ninfa, rabadilla o kakariki NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191238 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for nymphs, rabadillas and kakarikis. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds suplemento vitamínico para aves enfermas o en cuarentena NEKTON Q 30 gr Nekton 22110035 €9.57 NEKTON- Q is the nutritional supplement indicated for birds located in quarantine stations of importers, breeders or pet shops. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla L NF NinfasWeb 5003 €15.95 With this fabulous toy, you'll get great entertainment times for your bird. Its natural materials, make there no risk of toxicity recommended for yacos, Amazonas etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla XL NF NinfasWeb 8001 €21.54 With this fabulous toy, you will get great moments of entertainment for your bird. Its natural materials mean that there is no risk of toxicity Recommended for Yacos, Amazons etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock supplements Antievejecimiento para Perros y Gatos CATALYSIS Alzer Pets 150 ml Catalysis 010004 €19.39 Add to basket