Last items in stock toys juguete para pequeños loros y psitacidas FLOWER ON THE ROCK ZuPreem FLOWER €16.03 Novel toy, handmade with flower shape for parrots of medium and small-size. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Products for pigeons DAC SUPER CRÍA, mejoran la fertilidad y favorecen el crecimiento, 350 pastillas Dac 16041802 €27.61 Dac Super Breeding 350 pills. For the fertility. To Pigeons. Dac Super Breeding 350 tablets is a new product on the market that comes to cover the needs of the breeders that are more demanding. View
Disponible Antiparasites Tabernil insecticida en Spray para pájaros 750 ml Tabernil 0904202111 €27.41 It immediately and effectively eliminates and prevents infestations caused by external parasites in birds such as lice, aphids, mites, etc. Indications and species of destination: treatment and prevention of infestations by external parasites in canaries and ornament birds in general (parakeets, jilgueros, pigeons, etc.). Add to basket
Disponible birds Porta nido interior con enganche de alambres PEDRÓS Pedrós 51834 €1.95 NEST PLASTIC INTERIOR WITH WIRES Add to basket
Disponible birds Tabernil muda 100 ml Tabernil 23051804 €20.16 Tabernil muda is a supplement vitamin for canaries and birds of adornment in general (parakeets , parrots , finches , etc) that is administered in the form of drops in the drinking water Add to basket
Disponible birds bandeja para jaula de cría PEDRÓS 60 cm. Color blanco Pedrós 51940 €12.09 Spare tray for cages of 60 cm. white of the brand PEDRÓS Add to basket
Disponible birds parrilla plástica de suelo para jaula de cría PEDRÓS 60 cm. Color blanco Pedrós 52250 €7.68 Replacement plastic grill for cages of 60 cm. white of the brand PEDRÓS Add to basket
Disponible birds Modulo de 12 jaulas de 1 metro comunicables son sistema de limpieza Pedrós 09062023 €1,459.74 Breeding battery composed of 12 communicable cages, of the PEDRÖS brand, with paper cleaning systems. Includes roll holders and 4 rolls of paper White Add to basket
Disponible birds Suplemento para Aves CHEMIVIT Micro E Maior Vitamina E 250 gr Chemivit 050220243 €19.00 Add to basket