Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Disponible birds Pienso para silvestres ORNIZIN MS1M 4 kg Super premium muda ORNIZIN MS1M €45.29 MS1M Wild Bird Ornizin Feed is a food uniquely formulated to address the unique nutritional needs of wild birds, specifically carduelis, spinus and their hybrids. Designed to provide a high quality diet, this feed is especially focused on supporting the critical period of molting in these birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds Suplemento para Aves CHEMIVIT Micro E Maior Vitamina E 250 gr Chemivit 050220243 €19.00 Add to basket