Disponible Seeds Semilla de mijo amarilla DISFA 1 kg DISFA 20000191 €7.08 Millet is a small-grained, round, yellowish cereal, which has a sweet and light taste. Contains complex carbohydrates, which are absorbed slowly avoiding rapid increases in blood glucose Highly appreciated in the ornithological world Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Pienos para loro mediano PRETTY BIRD AFRICAN 1.361 kg Ornitalia PB83313 €29.03 Specific feed to cover the nutritional needs of African parrots, such as yacos, poicephalus, etc. View
Out-of-Stock Pearls morbid and chips for birds Perla Morbida Verde ORNITALIA 800gr Ornitalia 1152P €15.72 View
Out-of-Stock cages Jaula de Exposición o Concurso para Canarios 2GR Verde con Frontal Negro 2gr 315FN3V €26.16 Exhibition cage for canaries, with a beautiful green background color, which enhances the tonality of your birds. Easy assembly and cleaning View
Disponible Transportines Transportin para Aves de Pequeño Tamaño 2GR Secondino Medio 2gr 244 €17.29 Transportin very practical and comfortable, for small birds. Easy cleaning and assembly Add to basket
Last items in stock Food for Birds Semilla de adormidera azul o amapola DISFA 500 gr DISFA 20000015 €11.41 Add to basket