Disponible birds Comida para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia 3kg PSITTACUS PI-1220 €45.21 Psittacus, I think of high energy indicated for the maintenance of large parrots Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia 12kg PSITTACUS PI1350 €120.71 This high-energy food is prepared for species that in their natural environment eat a significant amount of oilseeds. As it is maintenance food it is indicated to be supplied to birds and also to breeding birds in the stages of reproductive inactivity. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds ORNIZIN SUPER TOP CRIA sustituto de antibiótico natural 200 gr ORNIZIN 1312191214 €26.69 all-natural antibiotic substitute Add to basket
Disponible Pienso para periquitos Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 5 kg PSITTACUS PI-3050 €50.36 A feed is complete for birds of small size of the family of the psitácidas (nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars, etc.). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Seeds Semilla de cañamón francés DISFA 750 gr DISFA 200009175 €8.35 Seed hemp seed small, rich in protein. Helps to stimulate and appetite of birds. View
Out-of-Stock Seeds Semilla de Perilla Blanca para aves DISFA bolsa de 3 kg DISFA 20000373 €33.63 These seeds provide natural, complete and balanced nutrition for all birds in captivity. View
Out-of-Stock birds ORNIZIN SUPER TOP CRIA SIN DORÉ sustituto de antibiótico natural 200 gr ORNIZIN OR0099 €26.69 All-natural antibiotic substitute, NO DA DORÉ, suitable for all types of ornamental birds View
Disponible birds Comida de Mantenimiento para Loros PSITTACUS Maintenance 3kg PSITTACUS PI1850 €39.75 The food Psittacus Parrot Maintenance is the indicated species of medium and large size that belongs to the family of parrots. This feed is made for the stage of reproductive inactivity allowing to cover widely the nutritional needs. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Pipa de girasol micro DISFA 750 gr para uso ornitológico DISFA 20000511 €10.54 MICRO BLACK SUNFLOWER PIPE OF HIGH QUALITY, SUITABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF WILD BIRDS. View
Out-of-Stock birds semilla de NEGRILLO Disfa, para aves, bolsa de 4 kg DISFA 200000324 €17.22 The seed of BOLD, is very appreciated by the inhabitants of the islands due to its pleasant taste, very high in fat with a certain effect of exciting, promotes bowel movements and gives shine to the feathers. View
Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Pajaros PSITTACUS Wet&Dry Microspheres 20/10 800gr PSITTACUS 2602201243 €16.14 Psittacus wet & dry microspheres 20/10 is a complete food for birds of the family of the psitácidas. This food can also serve as the animal having been hydrated with water, 30 minutes before, especially for the embuche of the chicks. View
Disponible birds Jeringa con Sonda 10ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5120 €29.62 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Recuperador para Pajaros PSITTACUS Recovery 100gr PSITTACUS PA-3901 €11.75 Nutritional supplement for sick birds and in the recovery phase Add to basket
Disponible birds Pack de Cria para Loros PSITTACUS Papilla Alta Energia 1kg + 2 Jeringas PSITTACUS 260822 €49.42 With this fantastic pack, you can feed your parrot chicks Add to basket
Last items in stock birds GERMIZIN TOTAL (germix) sin doré ORNIZIN, para pequeñas aves, bolsa de 2kg ORNIZIN OR0095 €26.88 GERMIZIN TOTAL is a novel feeding system with which it is possible to simulate the fattening of birds in freedom, a fact that until this product had never been achieved, maintaining the same texture, proteins and vitamins. Add to basket
Disponible Saquitos/ Cama-Nido/ Túnel Casita y Refugio para Pájaros ICA ICA SA CR1710 €12.80 Shelter hanging for birds, made of very smooth material Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Comida para Agapornis PSITTACUS Minor 12kg PSITTACUS PI4050 €155.40 Psittacus Minor 3 kg feed for lovebirds Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 5kg PSITTACUS PA3450 €82.85 It is a porridge designed to raise manually, from the week of age, small granivorous psittacine birds (carolinas, lovebirds, parakeets ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia 5kg PSITTACUS PA3150 €82.85 It is a porridge of continuation. It is designed to breed manually, from the first moment in which the barrels of the feathers emerge. Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia Plus 5kg PSITTACUS PA-4150 €94.84 It is indicated to manually breed those species of parrot that require diets especially high in fat. It contains a mixture of vegetable fats indicated for these species: palm oil and coconut oil. It also contains papaya, favoring digestive transit. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Jeringa con Sonda 5ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5110 €24.53 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Disponible birds Jeringa con Sonda 20ml PSITTACUS Pack 2 Unidades PSITTACUS CO5130 €24.53 Soft probes are the ideal complement for the supply of porridge to parrots from an early age. They have a rounded tip and a fine, soft texture that makes it easy to swallow. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Loris PSITTACUS Gel 5kg PSITTACUS ES4150 €124.32 It is a complementary food for adult parrots of the tribe Loriini. It is advisable to supply it simultaneously with Nectar Loris. Both products complement each other and should be offered in separate containers. Both Gel and Loris Nectar can be offered dry and/or mixed with water. Add to basket