Out-of-Stock birds Vitamina B QUIKO 200 ml Quiko 200092 €15.15 vitamin complex of group B in liquid, for ornithological use. View
Last items in stock birds Vitamina B QUIKO 100 ml Quiko 200090 €13.40 vitamin complex of group B Add to basket
Disponible birds vitamina E QUIKO para todo tipo de aves liquido 100 ml Quiko 200035 €13.40 Vitamin complex of group E, indispensable aid in both reproduction and breeding Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Calcium for birds Cal vitaminada con grit, para aves QUIKO 200 gr. Quiko 280312 €7.71 Lime vitaminized with grit, rich in mineral substances and acitvas View
Out-of-Stock Seeds Semilla de cañamón francés DISFA 750 gr DISFA 200009175 €8.35 Seed hemp seed small, rich in protein. Helps to stimulate and appetite of birds. View
Out-of-Stock birds Quiko vitamina E concentrada 350 gr. Quiko 200055 €26.43 Vitamins for effective fertilization for canaries, parrots, cage birds and pigeons. It is ideal for fertility, it can be used both in brood paste and in water. Quiko Vitamin E manages to increase strength, reproductive capacity and reproduction period. Presentation in powder soluble in cold water View
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds Quiko Multivitaminas 75 gr Quiko 200107 €7.85 Quiko Multivitamin is a very effective preparation that gives your birds all the essential vitamins and trace elements. View
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds complejo vitaminico QUIKO MULTIVITAMINAS para aves en polvo 50 gr Quiko 200101 €7.48 Quiko Multivitamin is a very effective preparation that gives your birds all the essential vitamins and trace elements. View
Disponible Calcium for birds calcio liquido AVISANOL QUIKO para todo tipo de aves 500 ml Quiko 210133 €15.76 Quiko calcium concentrate, is a liquid supplement for daily use that helps and prevents calcium deficiency for birds. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and feathers, with fewer binding eggs, quality eggshells, and reduced plucking during the molting season. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Seeds Semilla de Perilla Blanca para aves DISFA bolsa de 3 kg DISFA 20000373 €33.63 These seeds provide natural, complete and balanced nutrition for all birds in captivity. View
Disponible birds NEKTON BIOTIN estimula el crecimiento del plumaje 700 gr Nekton 207750 €91.52 Nekton Bio 750 g Stimulator of the growth of the plumage activating the metabolism, for optimal renewal Add to basket
Disponible Calcium for birds calcio liquido AVISANOL QUIKO para todo tipo de aves 1 litro Quiko 210136 €20.94 Quiko calcium concentrate, is a liquid supplement for daily use that helps and prevents calcium deficiency for birds. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and feathers, with fewer binding eggs, quality eggshells, and reduced plucking during the molting season. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Levadura de cerveza para aves en polvo QUIKO 400 gr Quiko 100540 €9.48 Additional product with natural vitamins and represents a protein-rich supplementary feed for all species of ornamental birds. View
Out-of-Stock birds Pipa de girasol micro DISFA 750 gr para uso ornitológico DISFA 20000511 €10.54 MICRO BLACK SUNFLOWER PIPE OF HIGH QUALITY, SUITABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF WILD BIRDS. View
Out-of-Stock birds semilla de NEGRILLO Disfa, para aves, bolsa de 4 kg DISFA 200000324 €17.22 The seed of BOLD, is very appreciated by the inhabitants of the islands due to its pleasant taste, very high in fat with a certain effect of exciting, promotes bowel movements and gives shine to the feathers. View
Disponible Agapornis Arnes para agapornis, forpus y periquitos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191224 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for lovebirds, forpus and parakeets. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Arnés para cotorras NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 070620193 €11.92 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed monk parakeets, parrots of the sun. Add to basket
Disponible birds Arnes para ninfa, rabadilla o kakariki NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191238 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for nymphs, rabadillas and kakarikis. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds suplemento vitamínico para aves enfermas o en cuarentena NEKTON Q 30 gr Nekton 22110035 €9.57 NEKTON- Q is the nutritional supplement indicated for birds located in quarantine stations of importers, breeders or pet shops. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla L NF NinfasWeb 5003 €15.95 With this fabulous toy, you'll get great entertainment times for your bird. Its natural materials, make there no risk of toxicity recommended for yacos, Amazonas etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla XL NF NinfasWeb 8001 €21.54 With this fabulous toy, you will get great moments of entertainment for your bird. Its natural materials mean that there is no risk of toxicity Recommended for Yacos, Amazons etc. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Nabina negra DISFA para aves bolsa de 4 kg DISFA 20000314 €14.29 Protein-rich seed, carbohydrate and fats, it contributes significantly to improving plumage, making birds have a more beautiful, colorful and well-kept feather cover; Exciting for singing View
Disponible Seeds Semilla de mijo amarilla DISFA 1 kg DISFA 20000191 €7.08 Millet is a small-grained, round, yellowish cereal, which has a sweet and light taste. Contains complex carbohydrates, which are absorbed slowly avoiding rapid increases in blood glucose Highly appreciated in the ornithological world Add to basket
Last items in stock Natural products for birds Polvo de ajo para aves QUIKO 250 GR Quiko 200191 €13.46 Add to basket