Disponible Recuperator for pigeons Nutravian COMPETICION 100 cápsulas Nutravian 26071901 €19.20 Nutravian COMPETITION It is a preparation whose ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids among other substances. Add to basket
Disponible Especially for the moulting of pigeons Vitaminas, aminoácidos y minerales NUTRAVIAN MUDA 100 comprimidos Nutravian 1002222 €18.96 Nutravian Muda. It is a food supplement whose ingredients are rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals Add to basket
Last items in stock Mixtures Premium Mixtura para cardenalitos PREMIFOOD DE JARAD 3 kg Jarad 400934 €15.84 MIXT. PREMIFOOD CARDENALITOS 3KG The most complete and healthy for cardinals and other foreign and native finches. Composed of 20 different seeds that provide these small birds with the necessary virality for their day to day. Add to basket
Last items in stock Mixtures Premium mixtura JARAD para aves silvestres premium 3 kg Jarad 400946 €25.71 MIXT. PREMIFOOD SILVESTRE PREMIUM 4 KG The great variety of seeds that compose it makes it very versatile for silvestrismo in general. Add to basket
Disponible Jarad Mixtura para pájaros exóticos PREMIFOOD DE JARAD PREMIUM 4 kg Jarad 400943 €16.32 Complete blend of superior quality for exotic birds. It contains all the quality seeds that exotic birds need for proper growth and vigorous health. It keeps them in great physical shape and balanced. Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures for birds Especial Canto PREMIFOOD JARAD 400 gr. Jarad 401125 €6.52 Mixtura Premifood de Jarad, complete food for songbirds. Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures Premium Mixtura para canarios sin doré ENERGY JARAD 20 kg Jarad 400909 €62.52 MIXT. PREMIFOOD CANARIO ENERGY (WITHOUT DORE) Especially recommended for times of increased activity. Protein 16% Fibers 20% Fats 13% Add to basket
Disponible Canaries' food Mixtura para canarios sin avena JARAD 25 kg Jarad 400085 €61.62 Complete blend for canaries without oats,which makes it a light mixture ideal for hot climates or avoid overweight. 25kg Add to basket
Last items in stock Mixtures Premium Mixtura para canarios sin doré Energy Premifood de Jarad 4 kg Jarad 400910 €22.55 MIXT. PREMIFOOD CANARIO ENERGY SIN DORÉ, indicated for times of greater activity dueto its high nutritionalvalue, so that our canaries are in great physical shape and cheerful. Add to basket
Disponible birds Pipa para loros JARAD 2 KG Jarad 700094 €9.59 PIPAR TO PARROT JARAD 2.2 KG Add to basket
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds Alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA MANTENIMIENTO 1 kg Serinus SE2400 €17.37 Complete food for canaries. Indicated to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest and for ornamental or singing animals. Add to basket
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA CRÍA 1 kg Serinus SE-2300 €17.02 Complete food for canaries. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and to wax the singing males. Add to basket
Disponible birds Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 1 kg Serinus SE-2600 €17.14 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest in their plumage reddish, orange or yellowish colors (including recessive white). Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para pájaros silvestres SERINUS 350 gr Serinus SE-1104 €13.46 Serinus Porridge for Silvestres is a paste specially formulated for the manual breeding of goldfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, verdecills, finches and other wild birds. Serinus porridge provides all the necessary nutrients for the breeding of chicks and ensures rapid and optimal growth. Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para pájaros silvestres SERINUS 1 kg Serinus SE1100 €24.65 Serinus Porridge for Silvestres is a paste specially formulated for the manual breeding of goldfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, verdecills, finches and other wild birds. Serinus porridge provides all the necessary nutrients for the breeding of chicks and ensures rapid and optimal growth. Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para aves factor blanco SERINUS WHITE 1 KG Serinus SE1300 €25.41 Serinus White is a porridge indicated for the manual breeding of white factor birds. Add to basket
Disponible Pearls morbid and chips for birds Serinus Wet and Dry microspheres 25/18 800 gr Serinus SE-3600 €17.58 Microextruded food for small granivorous passerines (canaries, goldfinches, greenfinches, Gould diamonds, mandarins, etc.) Add to basket
-5% Disponible Calcium for birds Cales de Calcio con soporte para aves unidades sueltas Jarad 715 €0.50 €0.53 Time left It is a food that provides calcium to your birds. The ideal size for canaries, goldfinches, parakeets, Apaporis, nymphs, small parrots, etc. It favors a correct calcification of its bones and feathers in period of growth, molting, stress and reproduction of the young and adults. Add to basket
Disponible birds Mixtura JARAD STANDARD para periquitos saco 25 kg Jarad 400017 €38.50 Complete mixture for parakeets. It contains natural and selected seeds and high quality supplements to promote the breeding and optimal maintenance of our parakeets Add to basket
Disponible Care of the pen of pigeons Vitaminas, aminoácidos y minerales NUTRAVIAN MUDA 200 comprimidos Nutravian 11221212 €26.55 Nutravian Muda. It is a food supplement whose ingredients are rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces semilla de Perilla Blanca JARAD 700 gr. para aves Jarad 700949 €11.50 White knob, extra quality Add to basket
Disponible birds PIPA LORO JARAD 400 gr. Jarad 700092 €5.57 PIPAR FOR PARROT JARAD 470 Gr Add to basket
Disponible Seeds Pipa macho baby PREMIFOOD Jarad 500 gr Jarad 701433 €5.46 Baby male pipe especially suitable for older goldfinches.Proteins 24%Fibers 11%Fat 36% Add to basket
Disponible Jarad Mixtura para Agapornis y Ninfas STANDARD JARAD 25 kg. Jarad 400526 €43.45 Mix Cotorritas and Ninfas Jarad 25 kg. is a complete and balanced mixture Add to basket
Disponible birds Semilla de CHIA JARAD para aves, bolsa de 400 gr Jarad 7013301 €7.66 High quality CHIA seeds Add to basket
Disponible birds Alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA MANTENIMIENTO 5 kg Serinus SE2410 €49.16 Complete food for canaries. Indicated to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest and for ornamental or singing animals. Add to basket
Disponible birds comedero individual con pestaña MOLDES AVES con enganche de barrotes MOLDES AVE 008 €2.98 Fantastic individual feeder, with capacity for 90 gr. of food, Made of high-strength, washable and disinfectable plastic With the guarantee of MOLDES AVES Add to basket
Disponible birds Bañera Externa para Aves 2GR Reggio Compatible con Todas las Jaulas 2gr 049 €3.92 outdoor bath for small birds, adaptable to any cage Add to basket
Disponible birds Comedero Porta Pasta 2GR Lux con Aro 2gr 001094 €0.70 Trough porta pasta with ring-LUX 2GR, is a trough special for pasture or biscuit, which allows the administration of the product easy, clean and comfortable. Add to basket
Disponible birds Bebedero 2GR Sifon Corto Lujo Compatible con todas las Jaulas 70 ml 2gr 158 €0.58 Practical drinker suitable for any cage, made of high strength plastic. It can be washed and disinfected capacity 70 mm Add to basket
Disponible birds posadera para pájaros MOLDES AVE 15 cm MOLDES AVE 028 €1.36 Fantastic bird perch suitable for placing in any cage, with a size of 15 cm Add to basket
Disponible birds soporte para móvil MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 075 €7.77 This great article is designed so that you can record and photograph your birds in their cages and cages, as well as to initiate them to sing, if necessary Add to basket
Disponible birds totem sujeta parrillas MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 077 €1.31 The best safety accessory for the grills of your birds' cages Add to basket
Disponible birds pasta de cría blanca mórbida premium SERINUS 5 kg Serinus 030822 €31.74 Complementary food for all breeds of canaries, finches in general and estrilidae. It is a white formula, which does not give dorée because it contains extremely low levels of carotenes and xanthophylls. It has been designed to be supplied to breeders during the fattening stage of the chicks or as a complement to diets based on mixtures. Add to basket
Disponible Bird Cage hueso de JIBIA para aves, en bolsa de 500 gr. Tamaño medio 15-20 cm Jarad 9023901 €16.16 The cuttlefish bone or cuttlefish is one of the things that should not be missing in our bird cage or flying, the cuttlefish bone is essential for our birds to affiliate the beak and also consume calcium ideal for the formation of the bird and to form the shell of our eggs. Add to basket
Disponible birds Nido Epecial para Agapornis 427 2GR 2gr 427 €21.49 Simple nest that you can assemble very easily, since it is divided into six parts that fit perfectly with each other. It is a nest in which your birds will find shelter and sufficient security so that they can lay their eggs and then raise their chicks. Add to basket
Disponible Food for Birds Semilla de la salud JARAD ACTIVE para todo tipo de aves 700 gr. Jarad 405310 €7.19 Seed of Health complete food for granivorous birds such as canaries, wild birds and exotic birds. Recommended for periods of adaptation, convalescence, molting, illness or simply as a complement providing a more varied diet. Add to basket
Disponible birds NUTRAVIAN ENERGÉTICO para palomas, 100 cápsulas Nutravian 1602188 €19.20 It is a preparation based on sugars and starches that provides the energy that pigeons need during the development of sports events. In addition, one of its ingredients favors the growth of the intestinal bacterial flora of pigeons, which means a better functioning of their digestive system. Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 1 Kg Serinus SE2200 €19.22 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 350 gr Serinus SE2204 €9.00 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS mantenimiento wild birds 5 Kg Serinus SE2210 €52.26 Complete maintenance feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Add to basket
Last items in stock Feed for birds Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 350 grs Mantenimiento Serinus SE2604 €8.98 Complete maintenance feed for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (also includes recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids. With high levels of vitamin A. Add to basket
Last items in stock Feed for birds Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 5 KG Serinus SE2610 €52.26 Complete maintenance feed for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS Cría Wild Birds 1 kg Serinus SE2100 €14.94 It is indicated for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, finches ...).The breeding formula is indicated to form the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from one month before its start until the molt is complete.It will be supplied to facilitate molting and to wax singing males. Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS Cría Wild Birds 5 KG Serinus SE2110 €48.66 It is indicated for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, finches ...).The breeding formula is indicated to form the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from one month before its start until the molt is complete.It will be supplied to facilitate molting and to wax singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for birds alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA CRÍA 5 KG Serinus SE2310 €48.66 Complete breeding feed for canaries. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and to wax singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for birds Alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA MANTENIMIENTO 350 gr Serinus SE2404 €8.72 Serinus is indicated for wild birds of the finches family (canaries).The maintenance formula is indicated to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest.For ornamental and singing animals we will also usually use the maintenance formula. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento de CRIA para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 1 kg Serinus SE2500 €14.95 Complete breeding food for canaries of breeds that should not have reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids or xanthophylls. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and promote mating in singing males. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento de CRIA para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 5 kg Serinus SE2510 €48.66 Complete breeding food for canaries of breeds that should not have reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids or xanthophylls. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and promote mating in singing males Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS muda wild birds 1 Kg Serinus SE3700 €14.95 Complete feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Indicated to be supplied during the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible birds SERINUS MUDA wild birds 5 Kg Serinus SE710 €48.66 Complete feed for wild birds of the finches family (goldfinches, greenfinches, finches ...). Indicated to be supplied during the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS MUDA 1 kg Serinus SE3900 €14.37 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the molting stage. Add to basket
Disponible Piensos para canarios Alimento para canarios SERINUS MUDA 5 kg Serinus SE3910 €48.66 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest reddish, orange or yellowish colors in their plumage (including recessive white). It does not contain carotenoids. With high levels of vitamin A. Indicated for the molting stage. Add to basket
Disponible Papillas para cria de canarios Papilla para canarios SERINUS 1 kg Serinus SE1200 €21.49 Porridge for manual breeding of canary chicks. It simplifies the manual breeding process and ensures excellent growth of chicks. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Alimento para canarios SERINUS MUDA 1 kg Serinus SE3800 €15.48 Complete feed for canaries. Especially indicated for the molting period. Add to basket
Disponible Transportines Transportin para Aves de Pequeño Tamaño 2GR Secondino Medio 2gr 244 €17.29 Transportin very practical and comfortable, for small birds. Easy cleaning and assembly Add to basket
Last items in stock birds SERINUS Wet and Dry microspheres 25/18 3 Kg para canario y pequeños pajaros Serinus SE3630 €46.55 Add to basket
New Disponible Canaries' food Pasta de Cria Humeda SERINUS White Soft Premium Eggfood Sin Dore 1Kg Serinus SE1290 €11.96 Add to basket
New Disponible Pasta de cria Pasta de Cria Seca SERINUS White Dry Premium Eggfood 1Kg Serinus SE1248 €11.96 Add to basket