Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas y Aminoácidos Hidrosolubles CALIER Promotor L47 para Todo Tipo de Animales 1... Calier 26000022 €22.84 Laboratories Calier launches PROMOTOR-L 47. It is a food supplement for poultry, which is given orally in the drinking water in order to facilitate the product is taken by birds. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas TT con Electrolitos para Aves CALIER en Sobre de Aluminio 100 gr Calier 39000107 €7.25 VITAMINS TT + ELECTROLYTES oral powder soluble in water is ideal to treat the lack of vitamins and periods of convalescence in birds (canaries, parakeets, finches, chickens, partridges, etç....). Its composition is high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Seeds Mxt. Germinación Bianco Disfa 4 kg DISFA 20001534 €17.53 Mxt. Germinacíon Bianco, a mixture of seeds to germinate for all types of birds. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Mijo Blanco Disfa 4 kg para aves DISFA 100414 €13.54 White millet Disfa 1 kg , seed with a high contribution of proteins and vitamins Add to basket
Disponible birds Mijo Blanco DISFA para aves, 1 kg DISFA 100411 €5.79 White millet Disfa 1 kg , seed with a high contribution of proteins and vitamins Add to basket
Disponible Food for Birds Semilla de Ortiga Disfa 1 kg DISFA 20001611 €16.27 Nettle Seed Disfa 1 kg, is a digestive and antidiarrheal seed special for ornithology. Add to basket
Disponible Seeds Semilla de cañamón francés DISFA 3.5 KG DISFA 200009135 €18.09 Seed hemp seed small, rich in protein. Helps to stimulate and appetite of birds. Add to basket
Disponible Seeds Semilla de Mijo rojo DISFA 4 kg DISFA 20000204 €13.29 Red millet seeds are a natural source of protein, fiber and fat, to provide your birds or touch of flavor in their diet. Proteins 14% Fibers 9% Fats 4% Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta de cria WITTE MOLEN al huevo mórbida amarilla 10 kg WITTE MOLEN w2013000 €48.02 Egg Breeding Paste is a complementary food for birds that eat seeds. The Morbid Egg Breeding Paste has a great acceptance among the different species of birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds pasta de cria al huevo WITTE MOLEN amarilla, para todo tipo de aves 1 kg WITTE MOLEN W2203605 €13.87 Complementary food (semi-dry (morbidly) to the egg. For birds that eat all kinds of seeds. Contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals. It is beneficial for the skin and feathers of the birds. With Doré Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin PROMOTOR 43 Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER 10 Sobres de 100 gr Calier 300320181 €78.09 Promoter 43 Vitamins and amino acids in powder, soluble in water can be incorporated into the pasta de cria. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of imbalances and nutritional deficiencies in periods of stress. Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER PROMOTOR L47 5 Litros Calier pro00003 €77.89 PROMOTOR L 47 Amino acids and vitamins in oral solution Lab CALIER Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete para Loros ICA BR412 ICA SA BR412 €15.85 Toy or innkeeper for parrots, pericquitos, agapornis, nymphs, etc Manufactured in natural wood Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR418 ICA SA BR418 €9.75 Bird toy, entertain and enjoy your pet's physical exercise. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR407 con Campana ICA SA BR407 €11.48 Bird toy, entertain and enjoy your pet's physical exercise. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR417 ICA SA BR417 €15.39 Bird toy, entertain and enjoy your pet's physical exercise. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR405 ICA SA BR405 €9.37 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR415 ICA SA BR415 €8.36 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR406 ICA SA BR406 €9.55 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR413 ICA SA BR413 €14.74 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR416 ICA SA BR416 €8.39 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Spirulina MICRO GREENVET microencapsulado, para aves 100 gr GREENVET 20092021 €13.86 Spirulina Micro is a microencapsulated supplement indicated to promote the synthesis of pigments that confer the dark color of feathers and skin of birds. Rich in beta-carotones, proteins, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Spirulina Micro also acts by strengthening the immune system of birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds Mixtura para loros EXPERT PREMIUM 15 kg WITTE MOLEN W1002052 €70.25 Excellent seed mixing for parrots, high in fat, indicated in macaws and grey yacos. Add to basket