Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas y Aminoácidos Hidrosolubles CALIER Promotor L47 para Todo Tipo de Animales 1... Calier 26000022 €22.84 Laboratories Calier launches PROMOTOR-L 47. It is a food supplement for poultry, which is given orally in the drinking water in order to facilitate the product is taken by birds. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Vitaminas TT con Electrolitos para Aves CALIER en Sobre de Aluminio 100 gr Calier 39000107 €7.25 VITAMINS TT + ELECTROLYTES oral powder soluble in water is ideal to treat the lack of vitamins and periods of convalescence in birds (canaries, parakeets, finches, chickens, partridges, etç....). Its composition is high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin PROMOTOR 43 Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER 10 Sobres de 100 gr Calier 300320181 €78.09 Promoter 43 Vitamins and amino acids in powder, soluble in water can be incorporated into the pasta de cria. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of imbalances and nutritional deficiencies in periods of stress. Add to basket
Disponible Addons for birds Vitaminas y Aminoácidos CALIER PROMOTOR L47 5 Litros Calier pro00003 €77.89 PROMOTOR L 47 Amino acids and vitamins in oral solution Lab CALIER Add to basket
Disponible birds comedero individual con pestaña MOLDES AVES con enganche de barrotes MOLDES AVE 008 €2.98 Fantastic individual feeder, with capacity for 90 gr. of food, Made of high-strength, washable and disinfectable plastic With the guarantee of MOLDES AVES Add to basket
Disponible birds posadera para pájaros MOLDES AVE 15 cm MOLDES AVE 028 €1.36 Fantastic bird perch suitable for placing in any cage, with a size of 15 cm Add to basket
Disponible birds soporte para móvil MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 075 €7.77 This great article is designed so that you can record and photograph your birds in their cages and cages, as well as to initiate them to sing, if necessary Add to basket
Disponible birds totem sujeta parrillas MOLDES AVE MOLDES AVE 077 €1.31 The best safety accessory for the grills of your birds' cages Add to basket
Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamin complex for birds Multivitaminco para aves MULTIFIT ROHNFRIED 100ml Rohnfried 11658 €9.56 Add to basket