Out-of-Stock Recuperator for pigeons Píldoras Multivitaminadas SOUVERAINES COLMAN para palomas 100 pildoras Colman 8002 €17.31 The Pills Multivitaminadas Souveraines of Colman are an excellent multivitamin for pigeons racing. INDICATIONS: they Are indicated for: - Preparation and putting into way face to contests. - Preparation for face-to-breeding, prior to mating. - For pigeons in growth. - As a recovery tool after competitions. View
Disponible Vitamins and aminoacids Tónico muscular para palomas COLUMBITONIC de LATAC Latac 18061802 €9.34 FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR PIGEONS Stimulant of muscle strength, before and after long flights and / or contests. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds compuesto vitaminico rico en calcio y fósforo para aves CALCICOLINA LATAC 250 ml Latac 121120211704 €13.42 Treatment of Enteritis and hepatitis especially of food origin (excess of oilseeds), contribution of calcium and phosphorus to strengthen the bones. Complementary food with calcium and phosphorus. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Vitamina A para aves SERI A LATAC 20 ml Latac 30004 €10.82 The lack of vitamin A causes a reduction in the defensive capacity of the cells, which are the ones that cover all the outer and also internal surfaces of the body, resulting in the appearance of infection centers, especially in the eyes, respiratory system and digestive system, such as mouth and esophagus. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitamínico SERI B LATAC 15 ml para aves Latac 30005 €8.69 B vitamin complex. 15ML Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds Vitamina E para aves SERIFEROL LATAC 20 ml Latac 30008 €9.43 Vitamin E in liquid to mix in water with the drink. Prevents sterility of males and insufficient laying in females. It ensures more layings and greater vigor in the offspring. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Treatments of diseases for pigeons Gotas Colman Mugmo (antiséptico nasal + tricomoniasis) Colman 2004201801 €17.09 Powerful antiseptic nasal against the moquita, oral thrush and other diseases of the nose, the beak and the throat of the pigeons View
Out-of-Stock Recuperator for pigeons Pildoras multivitamindas SOUVERAINES COLMAN 500 unidades Colman 1805201899 €57.98 The Pills Multivitaminadas Souveraines of Colman are an excellent multivitamin for pigeons racing View
Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin compuesto vitaminico rico en calcio y fósforo para aves CALCICOLINA LATA 50 ml Latac 121120211706 €9.02 Treatment of Enteritis and hepatitis especially of alimentary origin (excess of grains, oil seeds), intake of calcium and phosphorus to strengthen the bones. Complementary food with calcium and phosphorus. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Seri-B Complejo B Latac 60 ml Latac 42 €16.59 Vitamin Complex group B Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds vitamina A para aves, SERI A LATAC 60 ml Latac 17051803 €13.30 The lack of vitamin A causes a reduction in the defensive capacity of the cells, which are the ones that cover all the outer and also internal surfaces of the body, resulting in the appearance of infection centers, especially in the eyes, respiratory system and digestive system, such as mouth and esophagus. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Pequeñas Psittacidas HAGEN TROPICAN Mantenimiento 2mm - 1,8 kg HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80521 €22.66 Complete food and balanced for nymphs, without artificial colouring, and enriched with vitamins View
Last items in stock birds Percha de Cemento HAGEN TROPICAN Living Word Pequeña HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80905 €8.06 The hangers of cement Living World Pedi Perch to help keep legs healthy and your nails short. They are available in several sizes: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, and Jumbo. Add to basket
Disponible birds Percha de Cemento HAGEN TROPICAN Living Word Medium HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80910 €13.21 The hangers of cement Living World Pedi Perch to help keep legs healthy and your nails short. They are available in several sizes: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, and Jumbo. Add to basket
Disponible birds Percha de Cemento HAGEN TROPICAN Living Word Grande HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80915 €21.34 The hangers of cement Living World Pedi Perch to help keep legs healthy and your nails short. They are available in several sizes: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, and Jumbo. Add to basket
Disponible Baby food for parrots Papilla para Loros y Cotorras HAGEN TROPICAN 2 kg HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS B2263 €28.42 Tropican porridge is idicated for all kinds of parrots and baby parrots, from birth until they start eating. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock I think for parrots Comida para Loro Grande HAGEN TROPICAN Alta Energía 4 mm - 1,5 kg Sticks HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80543 €24.89 Complete food for parrots, enriched with vitamins and without dyes. View
Out-of-Stock Recuperator for pigeons Píldoras Multivitaminadas Souveraines Colman 1000 unidades Colman 1008181855 €99.92 Colman's Souveraines Multivitamin Pills are an excellent multivitamin complex for racing pigeons View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Sano & Bello Calcio Vit. D3 de Bayer para perros y gatos Elanco cal01002 €16.07 Nutritional supplement Calcium Vit. D3 Bayer Calcium Vit. D3 is indicated for use in females pregnant and lactating, in periods of growth and deficiency states of varying etiology in both dogs and cats. Covers the requirements of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 in all cases in which the body needs an extra supply for the reasons mentioned above. View
Disponible Vitamins for birds compuesto vitamínico rico en calcio y lecitina para aves CALCICOLINA LATAC POLVO 125 gr Latac 0911202175 €16.78 COMPLEMENTARY FEED FOR BIRDS WITH CALCIUM AND LECITHIN CALCICOLINA-P, is a specific product for the treatment of deficiency states in cage birds, almost always produced by food imbalances and excess fat seeds. Add to basket
Last items in stock Intestinal Flora, Probiotics SERI TRIBIOTIC LATAC mezcla de prebióticos, probióticos y postbióticos para aves 500 gr Latac 12112021 €26.99 SERI-TRIBIOTIC is a complementary food that combines vitamins with PREBIOTICS, PROBIOTICS and POSTBIOTICS Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitamínico SERI B LATAC 60 ml para aves Latac 121120211751 €12.51 In cage birds, despite providing them with a varied diet, there are often insufficiencies of some essential vitamins as in the case of lack of B vitamins produces growth difficulties, problems in the hatching of eggs such as greater fragility of the same and a decrease in laying. Prevents alterations of the intestinal flora by treatments with antibiotics... Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Pequeñas Psittacidas HAGEN TROPICAN Mantenimiento 2 mm - 820 gr HAGEN TROPICAN MASCOTAS 80520 €12.64 Complete and balanced food for nymphs, without artificial colors and enriched with vitamins Add to basket