Disponible Vitamins for birds Encelador LEGAZIN con ortiga + Vitamina Plus E+ maca para aves 120 ml Legazin 20027 €17.84 The Encelador Legazín is a completely natural product, made with nettle extract and vitamin E. Its regular use stimulates the zeal and playback in all types of birds, at the same time that it promotes the song and paste it in the male goldfinches, greenfinches, canaries, siskins and other wild birds. Being a natural product there are no contraindications. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Comida para Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Fino Alta Energia 2,26 kg Harrison 2103201911 €69.91 Harrison's fine High-Energy (High Potency Superfine) is indicated for small birds such as canaries, parakeets, forpus, goldfinches, greenfinches, cardinals, diamonds, widows, nightingales (combined with diet for omnivores), eurasian bullfinch, etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta de cria ORNI SUPREME verde natural mórbida para jilgueros 2 kg Legazin LG332 €17.35 PASTA CRIA SUPREMME NATURAL GREEN With pea, milk thistle, artichoke, and spirulina packaging: 2kg Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta silvestres verde PROCRIA ORNICOMPLET 2 kg Legazin LG331 €18.10 Legazín Orni Procria Wild Green 2 kg Pasta cria morbida professional with prebiotics Mode of use: Administer freely available during the season of breeding or as an extra supply of food. Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta de cría amarilla MÓRBIDA CLASSIC ORNICOMPLET 7 kg Legazin LG302 €27.93 Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta blanca mórbida PROCRÍA WHITE ORNICOMPLET 4 KG Legazin LG311 €23.01 Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta blanca mórbida PROCRÍA WHITE ORNICOMPLET 7 KG Legazin LG312 €43.07 Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta de cría seca blanca ORNICOMPLET PROCRÍA WHITE 4 kg Legazin LG314 €23.52 Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta de cría seca blanca ORNICOMPLET PROCRÍA WHITE 7 kg Legazin LG315 €31.61 Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para Pajaros HARRISON Recovery para Pajaros Enfermos y Críticos 350 gr Harrison 1101191314 €34.65 Complementary feed for birds, small reptiles and small rodents in convalescent and sick states. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Aceite de Palma Ecosostenible para Todo Tipo de Animales HARRISON Vitavet Omega 325 ml Harrison vitavet01 €17.69 It is natural oil rich in precursors of vitamin A, with 7 forms of vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9. Improves the condition of skin, hair and mucous membranes. Ideal for dermatitis, skin itching, seborrhea, lack of hair or feather. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Vitamina B12 Plus LEGAZÍN 120 ml. Legazin LG411 €13.22 Increases fertility DETAILS Compound with vitamin B12 pure, specially formulated for use in birds sports such as rock doves, goldfinches, greenfinches, siskins, canaries... Add to basket
Disponible Parrots Comida para Psittacidas y Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Mantenimiento Adult Lifetime Fino 454 gr Harrison 230220211151 €20.64 Harrison Fino Maintenance, indicated for medium-sized birds that have consumed the high energy formula for at least 6 months such as carolinas-nynfas, agapornis, forpus, kakarikis, small paradons, loris, lovebirds and pigeons. Year-round formula for birds that do not need higher nutritional requirements, which are not breeding or growing or sick. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Pajaros Pequeños HARRISON Super Fino Alta Energia 454gr Harrison 16041803 €18.79 Harrison Super Fine High Energy (High Potency Superfine) is indicated for small birds such as canaries, parakeets, forpus, jilgueros, greenish, cardinals, diamonds, widows, nightingale (combined with diet for omnivores), shrimp, etc. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for lovebirds Comida para Agapornis y Ninfas HARRISON Alta Energia Grueso 450gr Harrison 08601150001 €21.15 Harrison High Energy Thick Taco (High Potency Coarse) is indicated for large birds such as the gray parrot, cockatoo, macaws, pionus, eclectus, Amazonian, you you, Patagonian, canyoners ... Add to basket
Product available with different options Nappy holders for parrots Portapañal para yacos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 031020201213 €21.85 View
Last items in stock Parrot harness Arnes para guacamayo NINFAS WEB, talla grande, color negro NinfasWeb 2202191240 €15.45 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for yacos, eclectus and amazon. Add to basket
Last items in stock Juguetes para loros Parque de juego LORO COLOR 27 X 27 NinfasWeb 2202191331 €32.07 Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Fino Alta Energia 454 gr Harrison 210320181 €19.58 Harrison's Fine High-Energy (High Potency Fine) is indicated for birds of medium size as nymphs or carolinas, lovebirds, doves, pigeons, parrot necklace, parrot, black-headed, parrot kramer, head of plum, gray-breasted, aratingas, etc Add to basket
Last items in stock I think for parrots Comida para Loros Medianos y Grandes HARRISON Nutri Berries Classic 284 gr Harrison 18061801 €13.42 Magnificent combination of cereals for medium and large size parrots NUTRI BERRIES Nutri-Berries is a complete food for medium and large parrots,such as yacos, amazonas, eclectus, caiques, pionus, macaws, cockatoos, etc. Add to basket
Disponible I think for parrots Comida para Loros HARRISON Alta Energia Grueso 2,27 kg Harrison 24112018 €71.61 I THINK HARRISON COARSE-GRAINED, HIGH-ENERGY The best I think of the market, feed Harrison's High-Energy coarse-grained is a feed of high nutritional quality suitable for birds of medium to large size, as yacos, cockatoos, eclectus, macaws, etc Add to basket
Last items in stock Mash for birds Papilla para Aves Enfermas y Criticas HARRISON Recovery 57 gr Harrison 2606191824 €15.08 Complementary feed for birds, small reptiles and small rodents in convalescent and sick states. Add to basket