Last items in stock Necklaces Insecticida en polvo ZOTAL LETAL PLUS PWD talquera de 325 gr. ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72420125 €9.85 LETHAL® PLUS PWD ees an effective insecticide and acaricide in dust on the basis of Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin, two powerful active ingredients capable of removing effectively all kinds of crawling bugs and mites. Add to basket
Disponible Products health and hygiene for birds Insecticida en polvo microgránulo LETAL PLUS 1 kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72420140 €16.89 LETAL PLUS PWD® is an effective insecticide and acaricide in dust on the basis of Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin, two powerful active ingredients capable of removing effectively all kinds of crawling bugs and mites. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 400 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72500128 €28.77 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. Add to basket
Disponible Beyers Mixtura para Agapornis BEYERS Deli Nature Campeon Nº 72 de 20 kg Beyers 006472 €63.53 Deli Nature Agapornis Champion is a mixture that covers the specific nutritional requirements of the agaporni and other small parrots, with the guarantee and prestige of Beyers. Add to basket
Last items in stock toys juguete para pequeños loros y psitacidas FLOWER ON THE ROCK ZuPreem FLOWER €16.03 Novel toy, handmade with flower shape for parrots of medium and small-size. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 250 ML ZOTAL LABORATORIOS P109422 €22.43 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Insecticida microgranulado ZOTAL LETAL PLUS DELTA talquera de 375 GR ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72400126 €11.41 LETAL® PLUS DELTA is an effective insecticide and acaricide powder based on Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin, two powerful active ingredients capable of effectively eliminating all kinds of crawling insects and mites. Add to basket