Disponible cages jaula de cría NOVA PEDRÓS BLANCA 60 cm Pedrós 2350250 €48.81 CAGE BREEDING 60 NOVA WHITE Add to basket
Disponible Feeders BIZCOCHERA INTERIOR CON APOYO Pedrós 0304201813 €5.61 Trough bizcochero to the inside of the cage with support so that your birds come there to eat. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Food for Birds Semilla de DIENTE DE LEÓN premium ORNITALIA 150 gr Ornitalia 7998 €29.70 The dandelion is, of course, the main meal and most prized of all the spinus and carduelidi. Advantages: If supplied in times of difficulties, in particular, to carduelidi, is able to solve critical situations, primarily as a consequence of intestinal inflammation and digestive functions. Very effective in liver problems. Refreshing. View
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds Alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA MANTENIMIENTO 1 kg Serinus SE2400 €17.37 Complete food for canaries. Indicated to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest and for ornamental or singing animals. Add to basket
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds alimento para canarios SERINUS FÓRMULA CRÍA 1 kg Serinus SE-2300 €17.02 Complete food for canaries. Indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate molting and to wax the singing males. Add to basket
Disponible birds Alimento para canarios blancos SERINUS FÓRMULA BLANCA 1 kg Serinus SE-2600 €17.14 Complete food for canaries of breeds that should not manifest in their plumage reddish, orange or yellowish colors (including recessive white). Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para pájaros silvestres SERINUS 350 gr Serinus SE-1104 €13.46 Serinus Porridge for Silvestres is a paste specially formulated for the manual breeding of goldfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, verdecills, finches and other wild birds. Serinus porridge provides all the necessary nutrients for the breeding of chicks and ensures rapid and optimal growth. Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para pájaros silvestres SERINUS 1 kg Serinus SE1100 €24.65 Serinus Porridge for Silvestres is a paste specially formulated for the manual breeding of goldfinches, greenfinches, pardillos, verdecills, finches and other wild birds. Serinus porridge provides all the necessary nutrients for the breeding of chicks and ensures rapid and optimal growth. Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para aves factor blanco SERINUS WHITE 1 KG Serinus SE1300 €25.41 Serinus White is a porridge indicated for the manual breeding of white factor birds. Add to basket
Disponible Pearls morbid and chips for birds Perla Mórbida Verde ORNITALIA 4kg Ornitalia 11555P €46.45 Substitute Sprouted The Pearl Morbida of Ornitalia is a complete food and extruded composite for flours, oils, plant proteins,... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Pearls morbid and chips for birds Perla Mórbida verde ORNITALIA 9 kg Ornitalia 1559P €82.38 Perle Morbide® Bianche No Doré is a complete food and extruded compound for flours, oils, plant proteins,...vitamin E, B12, K3, L-lysine, calcium, magnesium, biotin, rosemary extract and many more ingredients that make a product very complete and adequate for the breeding season. View
Out-of-Stock Pearls morbid and chips for birds Perla Morbide Fruit Rosé ORNITALIA 800gr Ornitalia perla022 €11.37 It is a 100% natural product, extruded, containing flours, oils, vegetable proteins, vitamins, amino acids and many other products very beneficial for the birds. View