Disponible birds Mezcla de prebióticos y probióticos INOGAN LEVOLAC POLVO para aves 1 kg Inogan 1211181151 €31.46 LEVOLAC ORNITHOLOGY Live Lactic Bacteria (Probiotic+Prebiotic). To control digestive problems and lack of immunity. Add to basket
Disponible birds Mezcla de probióticos y prebióticos INOGAN LEVOLAC LIQUIDO 1 Litro Inogan 1211181147 €56.62 Bacteria Lacticas Alive (Probiotics and Prebiotocos) Control digestive of our birds by stress, changes etc protects and boosts the immune system Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces complejo vitaminico CALFOSTONIC para todo tipo de animales polvo hidrosoluble 1 kg Inogan 65000210 €15.14 Calfostonic is a complete blend of mineral salts, hydro and fat-soluble vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, non-specific growth factors, appetite stimulants, restoratives and aromatic principles. Add to basket
Disponible Calcium for birds complejo vitaminico CALFOSTONIC para todo tipo de animales polvo hidrosoluble 5 kg Inogan 65000211 €47.73 Calfostonic is a complete blend of mineral salts, hydro and fat-soluble vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, non-specific growth factors, appetite stimulants, restoratives and aromatic principles. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Anillas 3 mm con Calzador Multicolor para canario 100 uds STA SOLUZIONI I036 €8.13 Rings in plastic mono-and/or multi-coloured, with a shoehorn View
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Sano & Bello Calcio Vit. D3 de Bayer para perros y gatos Elanco cal01002 €16.07 Nutritional supplement Calcium Vit. D3 Bayer Calcium Vit. D3 is indicated for use in females pregnant and lactating, in periods of growth and deficiency states of varying etiology in both dogs and cats. Covers the requirements of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 in all cases in which the body needs an extra supply for the reasons mentioned above. View
Out-of-Stock S. T. SOLUZIONI Bandeja STA PORTA BEBEDEROS 16 huecos bebedero pequeño STA SOLUZIONI I116 €10.08 Porta drinking fountains: drinking fountains small. Facilitates washing and filling. Drinking fountains not included. View
Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Transportin para pequeñas aves NUVOLA CAGE 2 plazas STA SOLUZIONI NZ85 €34.22 Small rear rack plastic aerated for two birds, Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Soporte vacio para transportines NUVOLA, 12 plazas STA SOLUZIONI 1011075 €43.14 Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero para pequeñas aves MILLENNIUM MAXI Blanco STA SOLUZIONI M1001 €8.99 Add to basket