Disponible Necklaces Insecticida para todo tipo de parásitos externos NATURAL SPRAY 750 ml Natural 26061801 €23.56 NATURAL SPRAY is an insecticide of ample capacity, which removes all types of external parasites. Very indicated for use in poultry because of its low toxicity. Add to basket
Product available with different options Nappy holders for parrots Portapañal para yacos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 031020201213 €21.85 View
Out-of-Stock Parrot harness Arnes para yacos, eclectus y amazonas, NINFAS WEB tamaño mediano, color negro NinfasWeb 2202191235 €16.44 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for yacos, eclectus and amazon. View
Last items in stock Parrot harness Arnes para guacamayo NINFAS WEB, talla grande, color negro NinfasWeb 2202191240 €15.45 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for yacos, eclectus and amazon. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock toys Juguete para LORO de madera tamaño XL NinfasWeb 2202191322 €19.08 A multitude of bells and pieces of colorful - Designed for small parrots: parakeets, nymphs, parakeets, lovebirds., etc Measures: 20X17 View
Last items in stock Juguetes para loros Parque de juego LORO COLOR 27 X 27 NinfasWeb 2202191331 €32.07 Add to basket
Disponible Improvement of the physical form for pigeons aceite de ajo GARLIC OIL NATURAL para palomas 450 ml Natural 27092021 €24.32 Garlic Oil from NATURAL is a pure garlic oil indicated to complement the diet of pigeons Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Arnes para agapornis, forpus y periquitos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191224 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for lovebirds, forpus and parakeets. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Arnés para cotorras NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 070620193 €11.92 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed monk parakeets, parrots of the sun. Add to basket
Disponible birds Arnes para ninfa, rabadilla o kakariki NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191238 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for nymphs, rabadillas and kakarikis. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla L NF NinfasWeb 5003 €15.95 With this fabulous toy, you'll get great entertainment times for your bird. Its natural materials, make there no risk of toxicity recommended for yacos, Amazonas etc. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds juguete de madera para loros medianos y grandes talla XL NF NinfasWeb 8001 €21.54 With this fabulous toy, you will get great moments of entertainment for your bird. Its natural materials mean that there is no risk of toxicity Recommended for Yacos, Amazons etc. Add to basket
Disponible birds Antibacteriano y antifúngico MICOTOX FORTEBIRD polvo 50 gr FORTEBIRD FB480050 €10.67 Mycotox is a mixture of oregano extract, organic acids, yeasts, hydrated silicates, antioxidants, sulfates and natural powdered extracts whose active ingredients bind to aflatoxins. Add to basket
Disponible birds Antibacteriano y antifúngico MICOTOX FORTEBIRD polvo 150 gr FORTEBIRD FB480150 €22.80 Mycotox is a mixture of oregano extract, organic acids, yeasts, hydrated silicates, antioxidants, sulfates and natural powdered extracts whose active ingredients bind to aflatoxins. Add to basket
Disponible birds complejo vitamínico con aminoácidos AMINOBIRD FORTEBIRD 100 ml FORTEBIRD FB030100 €14.22 Aminobird is a vitamin supplement with essential amino acids without doré, for our birds. Add to basket
Disponible birds anilla correctora de dedo PATEL AYAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220221 €17.21 Plastic bracelet that allows to treat the kneecap of the back finger in canaries, tropical finches and birds of nature. Add to basket
Disponible birds Brazalete doble pierna torcida CARPIK BACAK KANARYAPO KANARYAPO 301220222 €17.21 Double plastic bracelet to professionally treat the crooked legs of goslings when crushed by mothers in the nest. Add to basket
Disponible birds Suplemento en polvo para aves Punto Negro Fortebird 150 gr FORTEBIRD FB370150 €21.16 Add to basket