Disponible Feeders BIZCOCHERA INTERIOR CON APOYO Pedrós 0304201813 €5.61 Trough bizcochero to the inside of the cage with support so that your birds come there to eat. Add to basket
Disponible cages jaula de cría NOVA PEDRÓS BLANCA 60 cm Pedrós 2350250 €48.81 CAGE BREEDING 60 NOVA WHITE Add to basket
Last items in stock Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de Cría Mórbida CHEMIVIT Indigena Soft Enriquecida con Tribiotic 3 kg Chemivit PMOA060MOR €21.45 INDIGENABIOTIC SOFT - PASTE FROM BREEDING IN SOFT TRIBIOTIC FEATURES. Studied especially for the feeding of the birds indigenous, finches (goldfinches, and others), Spinus, hybrid and exotic, it contains TRIBIOTIC, the exclusive product of CHEMI-VIT with PREBIOTICS, PROBIOTICS and POSBIÓTICOS especially useful for regulating the balance of the MICROBIOTA... Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Mezcla de Prebioticos, Probioticos y Postbioticos para Aves CHEMIVIT Tribiotic 250 gr Chemivit 3177045 €18.32 Chemi Vit Tribiotic with PREBIOTICOS, PROBIOTICS AND POSBIOTICOS 250 GR. Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Mezcla de Prebioticos, Probioticos y Postbioticos para Aves CHEMIVIT Tribiotic 1 kg Chemivit PMOS053 €39.22 Chemi Vit Tribiotic with PREBIOTICOS, PROBIOTICS AND POSBIOTICOS 1000 GR Add to basket
Disponible birds Porta nido interior con enganche de alambres PEDRÓS Pedrós 51834 €1.95 NEST PLASTIC INTERIOR WITH WIRES Add to basket
Disponible Nests porta nido interior con enganche de plástico PEDRÓS Pedrós 10041807 €1.37 Nest interior without wire Pedrós, adapatable to any cage Add to basket
Disponible Cages Jaula de exposición o concurso para canarios Pedrós Pedrós 2350555 €23.99 Cage of exposure to the canary islands. Cage tender, white in colour, practical and detachable. This cage is made of plastic, closed from behind and to both sides. The only face of the grid of the cage is the front.With door in front of it Add to basket
Disponible cages Carro de 4 Jaulas de 1 Metro Blanca + Soporte Pedrós 1234554 €472.26 Battery 4 Cages Subway White + Bracket Add to basket
Disponible birds Carro de 4 Jaulas metro+ Sist Papel Blanco Pedrós 040320211653 €609.43 Battery 4 Cages subway+ System White Paper Length x Width x height 105 x 43.5 x 222 Add to basket
Disponible cages Soporte CARRO para 4 Jaulas de 1 metro con barras Pedrós 2392230 €92.65 Add to basket
Last items in stock cages Jaula de cría NOVA PEDRÓS zincada 60 cm Pedrós 50077 €46.92 cage breeding of 60 Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero exterior tapa roja PEDRÓS Pedrós 08102018888 €1.29 Trough outside pedros Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero LARGO, especial para jaulas de cría Pedrós Pedrós 51734 €3.21 This functional bird feeder allows you to feed a large number of birds, both inside of a birdhouse as in a repaired site in the open air. This made of durable plastic and features a hook for attaching it to the cage. In the base takes a perch so that the bird can access the bird feeder. Add to basket
Last items in stock Necklaces Estimulante para Canto CHEMIVIT Cliffi Cantopiu 25 gr Chemivit 1001201229 €9.48 Stimulating for singing in ornamental birds, enriched with vitamins and ginseng. Add to basket
Disponible birds Mixtura para Periquitos CHEMIVIT Cliffi Gold 300 gr Chemivit PCOA007 €5.71 A mixture for parakeets SUPERPREMIUM enriched with fruit and vitamins Add to basket
Disponible birds Suplemento para Aves CHEMIVIT Micro E Maior Vitamina E 250 gr Chemivit 050220243 €19.00 Add to basket