Disponible Necklaces Eliminaolores Neutralizador Zotal Hogar de 75 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 75500107 €8.93 Deodorizer-high-capacity, effective against a wide range of odors. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Insecticida para insectos voladores y rastreros ARPÓN DIAZIPOL 250 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 71700120 €20.31 Powerful insecticide Zotal, to combat flying insects like crawling. Indicated for the desisectación of livestock farms, perrreras, clinics veterianrias etc Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Pipetas Repelentes PARASITAL PEQUEÑAS para Gatos y Perros 3uds ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72520108 €15.31 Repellent of fleas, mosquitoes and ticks for dogs and cats less than 15 pounds of weight. Active in front of the flebotomo, mosquito, transmitter of leishmaniasis. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Arena para gatos Zotalin 5 kg ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 03041801 €8.34 Bed for cats Zotalin 5 kg, of natural mineral origin and powder-free. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Complemento alimenticio MALTA STANVET ayuda en la digestión de gatos, 100 gr Laboratorio Stangest 21001 €11.57 Natural food supplement with a very pleasant taste, ideal to aid in the digestion of hairballs in cats Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces cicatrizante protector para heridas en animales ALUSPRAY 210 ml Laboratorio Stangest 07000370 €16.75 This product is indispensable for your pet's medicine cabinet. It is an aerosol containing aluminum powder that helps healing external wounds and protects them against dirt and insects. This product is used daily in veterinary clinics, especially to protect surgical wounds or any wounds present on the skin. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces protector solar para perros y gatos HELIOVET SPRAY 80 ML FPS50 + Laboratorio Stangest 90008742 €23.06 Broad spectrum sun protection, effective against UVA and UVB, infrared and visible light Neutralization and repair of sun damage. Regeneration of the skin barrier Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 400 ml ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72500128 €28.77 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. www.actualizaciones.complementosparaaves.com Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces protector solar para perros y gatos HELIOVET CREMA 50 Gr FPS50 + Laboratorio Stangest 80300168 €19.21 Broad-spectrum sun protection, effective against UVA and UVB, infrared and visible light Neutralization and repair of sun damage. Regeneration of the skin barrier Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Loción repelente para mascotas y équidos PARASITAL 250 ML ZOTAL LABORATORIOS P109422 €22.43 Parasital lotion 500 ml. PARASITAL® Lotion insect Repellent is a product intended for dogs, horses, ruminants, swine and poultry that contains an ingredient binder that adheres the product to the hair of the animal protecting it during 15 days of all kinds of insects. www.actualizaciones.complementosparaaves.com Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Dentifrico soluble para perros y gatos DENTICAN 250 ml Laboratorio Stangest 21002 €15.22 SOLUBLE DENTICAN. SOLUBLE DENTRIC Novel presentation for the oral-dental hygiene of pets. Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces GINGIVET STANVET para problemas de encías en perros y gatos, 60 comprimidos Laboratorio Stangest 21004 €26.52 GingiVet Stangest Affections of the gums Add to basket
Disponible Necklaces Dentifrico en spray para perros y gatos DENTICAN 125 ml Laboratorio Stangest 90008667 €12.46 DentiCan is a toothpaste for dogs and cats in spray that will help you maintain your dog's oral hygiene with little effort. You just have to apply a few sprays on the teeth of your furry and let it act. With the displacement of the tongue, its diffusion is favored, so that the spray acts throughout the mouth. Forget the brush and the paste! Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Necklaces Toallitas para perros y gatos LYS STANGEST 40 uds Laboratorio Stangest 8030098 €8.06 Single-use hygienic wipes for cleaning the eyes and pinna of dogs and cats.Impregnated with an epithelializing solution designed for sensitive areas. View
Disponible Necklaces CHAMPÚ REPELENTE PARASITAL 400 ML ZOTAL LABORATORIOS 72550125 €21.08 The PARASITAL® antiparasitic repellent shampoo for dogs and cats repels the main external parasites, such as ticks, fleas, sandflies (mosquito transmitter of canine leishmaniasis), mosquitoes and others. Its effectiveness has been tested in the laboratory. It has a persistence of about 15 days. Add to basket