Disponible drinkers Bebedero SIFONE PLUS STA sin bola 150 ml STA SOLUZIONI c018 €4.61 SIFONE PLUS - cc. 150 Drinking system with tube-free hypoallergenic that prevents stagnation of water or food. Without ball Add to basket
Disponible Feeders comedero tipo tolva MANGIATOIA DISPENCER WEEKEND STA con capacidad de 500 gr. STA SOLUZIONI M051 €10.20 MANGIATOIA DISPENCER WEEK-END - mm 100x130xh160 / capacità: 500g Trough interior and/or with dispenser built-in Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero LUNA - Ø 125x70 (h) mm, STA STA SOLUZIONI M033 €12.37 Trough interior with a support system walrus adaptable to all types of cage Add to basket
Disponible Feeders COMEDERO MANGIATOIA DISPENCER COMODORE - 100x70x140 (h) mm STA SOLUZIONI M050 BG €9.11 Trough interior and/or exterior dispenser built-in Add to basket
Disponible Feeders COMEDERO MANGIATOIA TOP3 - mm 65x60xh95 / capacità: 100gr STA SOLUZIONI M052 €3.78 Bird feeder with 3 feeders. You do not need doors or holes to secure it in the cage. Add to basket
Disponible Feeders Comedero STA MINI-SMART 100x50x45 STA SOLUZIONI M046 €3.61 MANGIATOIA MINI-SMART - mm 100x50xh45 Trough small interior with hooks and a rejila plastic that prevents the waste of simillas Add to basket
Out-of-Stock drinkers Bebedero Sifone Lucca JUNIOR- cc.300 STA SOLUZIONI c023 €2.54 SIFONE LUCCA - cc.400 Drinker with ring, ideal for cages with grating vertical View