Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin Suplemento vitaminico para aves RED CELL AVIAN MINI 100 ml Vetnova 01600042 €18.87 RED CELL Avian-Mini Supplement of High-Performance Birds Sports Leader in the World Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Products for pigeons Complejo Vitamínico para Pichones CHEMIVIT Sprinter U 200 ml Chemivit PMOS028 €15.58 It is a really complete polyvitamin, studied to meet the demands of modern ornithology: SPRINTER U has a stimulating action of singing and fertility, improves the growth of the offspring and facilitates the initiation to breeding. View
Disponible Agapornis Porta Verdura y Juta para Aves 2GR 2gr 122 €0.52 PORTA VEGETABLE Portaverdura adaptable to all types of cage Add to basket
Disponible several Transportin Tino 2GR Comedero Externo 2gr 200 €79.21 The sport rack for birds Tino of 2GR provides the breeder many advantages. Total hygiene thanks to the plastic construction and the modular system, which allows the complete cleaning of each piece. Add to basket
Disponible Transportines Trasportín sin Tapa y con 6 Secondinos 2GR Tino 2gr 203 €74.10 Made of hard plastic and durable. Can be washed and cleaned without the fear of moisture. With capacity for 6 continers individual. Each sport rack individual carries feeder and drinker, inner grid and innkeeper.Measures of the rear rack: 38 x 39 x 18 cmMeasures of the sport rack single: 16 x 11.7 x 14.6 cm Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Transportín 2GR con Reja Fija y Comederos Internos 2gr 201 €70.24 Art. Number: 201 Dim.: cm 38 x 39 x 18h Cod. EAN: 8033844762447 N° pieces: 1 Transport with fixed fence and internal feeders. View
Disponible several Transportin 2GR Secondino Pequeño Modelo 220 2gr 220 €13.67 Transportìn Pequeño Secondino, Art. 220 Dimensions: 16 (cm) Width x 14.6 (cm) Height x 11.7 (cm) Background Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Transportin Secondino 2GR Maxi 2gr 242 €19.83 Individual transport of MAXI size Dimensions: 31x11.5x16h View
Out-of-Stock several PERCHA DE 15 CM STA SOLUZIONI ii045 €0.58 POSATOIO TO SBALZO 150 - Ø mm 10 Perch for cage View
Out-of-Stock Bathtubs Bañera BAGNETTO SAHARA - 130X130X130 mm STA SOLUZIONI b001 €6.70 BAGNETTO SAHARA - 130X130X130 mm Outdoor bathtub adaptable to any type of cage. View
Disponible Bathtubs BAGNETTO ESTERNO A RETE CON PORTA - 150x150x160 (h) mm STA SOLUZIONI B006 €12.02 BAGNETTO ESTERNO TO CHALLENGE WITH PORTA - 150x150x160 (h) mm Outdoor bath with ceiling and door panels Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Porta anillas para uso ornitológico STA SOLUZIONI STA SOLUZIONI I095 €14.71 Anillero ornithological View
Out-of-Stock several Anillas 3 mm con Calzador Multicolor para canario 100 uds STA SOLUZIONI I036 €8.13 Rings in plastic mono-and/or multi-coloured, with a shoehorn View
Disponible several MINI SCOVOLO STA SOLUZIONI I014 €2.78 Mini brush for cleaning water troughs with system of depression of the water. Add to basket
Disponible S. T. SOLUZIONI Pinzas CLIP SHARK STA para sujeción en cualquier tipo de jaula STA SOLUZIONI I099 €1.31 Tweezers Add to basket
Out-of-Stock several Gancho adaptador STA SOLUZIONI I096 €0.47 Plastic adapter for water fountains that are set in cages with grating horizontal or voladeras compatible with art. C014 View
Disponible Accessories for birds Bandeja STA PORTA BEBEDEROS 12 huecos bebedero mediano STA SOLUZIONI i117 €11.04 Drinking fountains: for medium drinking fountains. Facilitates washing and filling. Drinking fountains not included. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Nests FONDELLO NIDO IN VIMINI - Ø cm 14 STA SOLUZIONI i035 €3.85 FONDELLO NEST IN VIMINI - Ø cm 14 Fund nest made in wicker View
Disponible several Porta Nido de Metal 2GR 10 cm 2gr I015 €3.15 PORTANIDO IN FERRO Portanido metallic Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Nests FONDELLO NIDO IN VIMINI - Ø cm 12 STA SOLUZIONI i057 €2.71 FONDELLO NEST IN VIMINI - Ø cm 12 Fund nest made in wicker View
Out-of-Stock Nests NIDO GALILEO - Ø mm 80 STA SOLUZIONI N002 BG €7.41 Nest with rear door, applicable to all types of cage View
Disponible drinkers bebedero SIFONE LUCA STA 400 cc STA SOLUZIONI c007 €2.75 SIFONE LUCCA - cc.400 Drinker with ring, ideal for cages with grating vertical Add to basket