Disponible Beyers Mixtura para Agapornis BEYERS Deli Nature Campeon Nº 72 de 20 kg Beyers 006472 €63.53 Deli Nature Agapornis Champion is a mixture that covers the specific nutritional requirements of the agaporni and other small parrots, with the guarantee and prestige of Beyers. Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Agarpornis PSITTACUS Minor 450gr PSITTACUS p410 €11.30 Psittacus, I think, minor Psittacus, I think minor is a food specially formulated for birds as small as lovebirds, kakarikis, forpus, parakeets, etc... Its formula is designed to feed these birds throughout the year, Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Agapornis PSITTACUS Minor 3kg PSITTACUS PI4030 €43.89 Psittacus Minor 3 kg feed for lovebirds View
Disponible birds Comida para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 3kg PSITTACUS PI1120 €41.99 Psittacus Formula Mini is a high quality feed indicated for Nymphicus (nymphs) and paraingas Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Comida de Inicio para Loros y Psittacidas PSITTACUS Omega 3kg PSITTACUS PI1430 €54.49 Transitional food from the bird stops taking porridge until it can assimilate adult feed Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 12kg PSITTACUS PI1150 €118.04 It is indicated for small species such as nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars... Add to basket
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para Psittacidas PSITTACUS Neonatal 1kg PSITTACUS PA-3310 €30.22 Suitable for most species of parrots. It can be used from the first day of life until the moment in which there will be the first canyons of the feather, only in the newborn stage (we recommend to use Psittacine Crop Milk Replacer in the first phase of this stage). Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 1kg PSITTACUS PA3410 €20.49 It is a porridge designed to raise manually, from one week of age, small birds psitácidas seed-eating (carolinas, lovebirds, parakeets, etc.). Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia 1kg PSITTACUS PA-3110 €20.49 It is a porridge of continuation. Is designed to raise manually, from the first moment in which there will be the canyons of the feathers. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds complejo vitaminico para aves TABERNIL AD3E 20 ml. Tabernil 170090001 €13.22 Tabernil To D3 And is a supplement vitamin that is administered in the drinking water. Add to basket
Disponible birds Vitaminas para aves TABERNIL Complejo B 20 ml. Tabernil 906009 €13.96 Tabernil B complex is a supplement vitamin that is administered in the form of drops in the drinking water. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds complejo vitamínico para aves TABERNIL TOTAL 20 ml Tabernil 170868 €13.22 The health of your bird ornaments will be protected with these vitamin supplements, essential to protect it from the inclemency of the weather, parasites, diseases, etc. Add to basket
Disponible several Tijeras especial para cortar anillas ornitológicas PIUMER 34344 €15.83 SCISSORS CUT RINGS Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Agapornis Nido de madera HOYO para agapornis PIUMER 11073 €9.98 Nest of wooden vertical for lovebirds View
Out-of-Stock birds alimento completo para agapornis premium PIUMER 1kg PIUMER 0903221 €6.41 This fantastic mixture of seeds, is designed so that your PSITTACIDA has a complete, healthy and natural diet Ready to serve Take care of your lovebird by giving it the best food Piumer works every day to make the food of our birds healthy, safe and affordable. View
Last items in stock birds Recuperador para Pajaros PSITTACUS Recovery 100gr PSITTACUS PA-3901 €11.75 Nutritional supplement for sick birds and in the recovery phase Add to basket
Disponible birds Pack Ahorro para Agopornis HARRISON 454 gr + Mixtura VERSELE Premium 1 kg + Panizo 300 gr PIUMER 11022022 €29.29 This fantastic pack is composed of: 1 bag HARRISON FINE HIGH ENERGY 454 gr 1 bag MIXTURA PREMIUM LORO PARQUE FOR AGARPORNIS 1kg 1 bag PANIZO EN RAMA 300 gr. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Comida para Agapornis PSITTACUS Minor 12kg PSITTACUS PI4050 €155.40 Psittacus Minor 3 kg feed for lovebirds Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 5kg PSITTACUS PA3450 €82.85 It is a porridge designed to raise manually, from the week of age, small granivorous psittacine birds (carolinas, lovebirds, parakeets ...). Add to basket
Disponible birds Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta Energia 5kg PSITTACUS PA3150 €82.85 It is a porridge of continuation. It is designed to breed manually, from the first moment in which the barrels of the feathers emerge. Add to basket
Disponible FIBER FOR NESTS material para nidos PIUMER, sisal, pelo, juta y algodón 1 kg PIUMER 291222 €16.18 Nest construction material, varied and clean of dust and mites Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Food for lovebirds Oferta 3x2 en alimento completo para agapornis premium PIUMER 1kg PIUMER 09032213x2 €9.86 This fantastic mixture of seeds, is designed so that your PSITTACIDA has a complete, healthy and natural diet Ready to serve Take care of your lovebird by giving it the best food Piumer works every day to make the food of our birds healthy, safe and affordable. View
Disponible Parrot Cages Transportin o jaula de viaje para loros BLUE LARGE PIUMER ATM2029BLUE €563.41 New line of travel cages in ALUMINIUM - No chipping, no rust. Easy assembly without nuts or bolts. Add to basket