Disponible Feeders BIZCOCHERA INTERIOR CON APOYO Pedrós 0304201813 €5.61 Trough bizcochero to the inside of the cage with support so that your birds come there to eat. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Food for Birds Semilla de DIENTE DE LEÓN premium ORNITALIA 150 gr Ornitalia 7998 €29.70 The dandelion is, of course, the main meal and most prized of all the spinus and carduelidi. Advantages: If supplied in times of difficulties, in particular, to carduelidi, is able to solve critical situations, primarily as a consequence of intestinal inflammation and digestive functions. Very effective in liver problems. Refreshing. View
Disponible Feeders Comedero LARGO, especial para jaulas de cría Pedrós Pedrós 51734 €3.21 This functional bird feeder allows you to feed a large number of birds, both inside of a birdhouse as in a repaired site in the open air. This made of durable plastic and features a hook for attaching it to the cage. In the base takes a perch so that the bird can access the bird feeder. Add to basket
Disponible birds Jaula HAGEN TROPICAN VISION Model S01 para pájaros de tamaño pequeño Vision 83200 €102.25 Thanks to its distinctive and modern design, VISION will change the current outlook of the people who have birds and modify for those who wish to have them. Action product box: 18.03 x 38.86 x 51.05 Add to basket
Disponible Food for lovebirds Semillas Germinadas para Agapornis y Ninfas CLAUS 210gr CLAUS CL282 €11.70 Add to basket