Disponible Vitamins for birds NEKTON BIOTIN Complejo vitamínico estimulante del crecimiento de plumas, 35 gr Nekton 207035 €13.02 Nekton Bio,vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, calcium in the form of water-soluble powder that promotes the growth of bird plumage. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds Nekton MSA Suplemento mineral y de vitamina D3, 40 gr. Nekton 225035 €8.77 Nekton MSA is a mineral concentrate enriched with vitamin D3 and amino acids Add to basket
Disponible Parrots Comida para Psittacidas y Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Mantenimiento Adult Lifetime Fino 454 gr Harrison 230220211151 €20.64 Harrison Fino Maintenance, indicated for medium-sized birds that have consumed the high energy formula for at least 6 months such as carolinas-nynfas, agapornis, forpus, kakarikis, small paradons, loris, lovebirds and pigeons. Year-round formula for birds that do not need higher nutritional requirements, which are not breeding or growing or sick. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Comida para Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Fino Alta Energia 2,26 kg Harrison 2103201911 €69.91 Harrison's fine High-Energy (High Potency Superfine) is indicated for small birds such as canaries, parakeets, forpus, goldfinches, greenfinches, cardinals, diamonds, widows, nightingales (combined with diet for omnivores), eurasian bullfinch, etc. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for lovebirds Comida para Agapornis y Ninfas HARRISON Alta Energia Grueso 450gr Harrison 08601150001 €21.15 Harrison High Energy Thick Taco (High Potency Coarse) is indicated for large birds such as the gray parrot, cockatoo, macaws, pionus, eclectus, Amazonian, you you, Patagonian, canyoners ... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Pasta of breeding for lovebirds Pasta ProCria Mórbida LEGAZIN 7 kg para Psitacidos Legazin LG321 €33.91 PASTA PSITTACIDAE MORBIDA WITH GAMMARUS AND FRUIT PROTEIN 16% FAT 15% View
Out-of-Stock Pasta of breeding for lovebirds Pasta ProCria LEGAZIN 4 kg para psitacidos Legazin LG322 €24.08 Pasta cria for small psitacido morbid Procria of Legazin 4 kg, with gammarus and fruit View
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds NEKTON FLY 75gr, suplemento multivitamínico enriquecido, para para aves activas Nekton 206075 €13.61 EKTON-T is a vitamin supplement specially developed for carrier pigeons, chickens, pheasants, etc. It is the result of many years of experiences with birds in captivity. View
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds vitamina A COMED en polvo COMED para uso en aves 100 gr Comed 82386 €11.61 Use in case of deficiency of vitamin A Dosage: One teaspoon of coffee(5gr) per kg of food View
Out-of-Stock Nests Nido de Bambú TRIXIE 12x 15 CM Trixie 5605 €10.21 Trixie Nest for Bird Bamboo is another spectacular product completely ecological, to be used as a home for birds. View
Disponible birds Comida para Psittacidas y Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Mantenimiento Adult Fino 2,27 kg Harrison 240320211915 €64.27 Harrison Fine Maintenance, indicated for birds of average size that lead to consume formula high energy for at least 6 months as a carolinas-nymphs, lovebirds, forpus, kakarikis, parrots small, loris, doves and pigeons.Formula for all the year round for birds that don't need greater nutritional requirements, which are not in period of reproduction or... Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Aves Pequeñas HARRISON Fino Alta Energia 454 gr Harrison 210320181 €19.58 Harrison's Fine High-Energy (High Potency Fine) is indicated for birds of medium size as nymphs or carolinas, lovebirds, doves, pigeons, parrot necklace, parrot, black-headed, parrot kramer, head of plum, gray-breasted, aratingas, etc Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds suplemento vitamínico para aves enfermas o en cuarentena NEKTON Q 30 gr Nekton 22110035 €9.57 NEKTON- Q is the nutritional supplement indicated for birds located in quarantine stations of importers, breeders or pet shops. Add to basket
Disponible Feed for lovebirds Pack Ahorro 2 uds HARRISON Grueso Alta Energia 450 gr Harrison 18112022 €35.82 Harrison High Energy Taco Grueso (High Potency Coarse) is indicated for large birds such as the gray parrot, cockatoos, macaws, pionus, eclectus, Amazonian, you you, Patagonian, barrancaros ... Save by buying this fabulous pack of 2 units!! Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Suplemento ANTIESTRESS LEGAZIN para aves nerviosas o estresadas en liquido 120 ml Legazin LG415 €19.01 This product will help you in periods of stress of your birds, such as contests, exhibitions or transfers View