Disponible Fortifiers and vitamin suplemento BIPAL TOTAL SOBRE para aves, vitaminas, minerales y aminoácidos bolsa 500 gr. TEGAN BIPAL 1101 €9.01 Total Bipal, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, for all types of birds Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds NEKTON BIOTIN Complejo vitamínico estimulante del crecimiento de plumas, 35 gr Nekton 207035 €13.02 Nekton Bio,vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, calcium in the form of water-soluble powder that promotes the growth of bird plumage. Add to basket
Last items in stock Vitamins for birds Nekton MSA Suplemento mineral y de vitamina D3, 40 gr. Nekton 225035 €8.77 Nekton MSA is a mineral concentrate enriched with vitamin D3 and amino acids Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds Multivitamínico para Aves Omni Vit VERSELE LAGA 200gr Versele-laga 460204 €17.61 Oropharma Omni-Vit is a balanced blend of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. This food supplement is administered to achieve optimal condition, better breeding results, optimal development of chicks and in conditions of weakness or stress. Quantity: 200gr. Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures Mixtura para Agapornis sin Pipas VERSELE LAGA Lovebirds Prestige 20kg Versele-laga 421590 €50.88 Special mix for lovebirds Add to basket
Disponible Snacks and treats for birds Panizo VERSELE LAGA Mijo en Racimo 1kg Versele-laga 451321 €15.85 1KG branch mijo spectacular!!!! Add to basket
Disponible Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de Cria VERSELE LAGA Orlux Frutti Patee 1kg Versele-laga 424016 €10.01 Frutti Kick is a paste complementary ideal for helping to maintain a good physical condition. Your prescription is composed of dried fruits and honey 100% pure and natural. It is a supplement that guarantees an optimal growth, and provides high levels of energy. Ideal for canaries, exotic birds and small parakeets Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures Comida para Ninfas VERSELE LAGA Australian Loropark 1kg Versele-laga 422224 €11.06 Versele Laga Prestige Premium Large Australian Parakeets Loro Parque Mix 1 kg (seed mix) Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures Mixtura para Periquitos VERSELE LAGA Prestige Gourmet 20kg Versele-laga 421641 €39.48 A tasty mixture, enriched with pieces of delicious cookie gourmet. Add to basket
Disponible Mixtures Comida con Pipa para Grandes Periquitos VERSELE LAGA 20kg Versele-laga 421856 €60.82 Mixture complete for all large parakeets, agapornis, nymphs, parrots and small in size Add to basket
Disponible Versele-laga Mixtura para Neophemas VERSELE LAGA Prestige 20kg Versele-laga 421575 €61.90 Special mixture of seeds, soft and digestive, indicated for feeding Neophemas Add to basket
Disponible Feed Comida para Ninfas y Agapornis VERSELE LAGA Nutribird G18 Tropical 10kg Versele-laga 422029 €63.16 Complete and balanced breeding feed for large parakeets. Colored granules with selected cereals, fresh fruit and peanuts. Add to basket
Last items in stock Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de Cria VERSELE LAGA Orlux Gold Patee Roja 1kg Versele-laga 424023 €10.40 Versele Laga Orlux Gold patee wet paste red canaries 1kg DIRECTIONS: This red Orlux Gold patee paste retains the red coloration in canaries. Gold patee red has a high nutritional value, by adding 100% pure and natural honey. Additionally added lysine and methionine ensure optimal growth and good plumage composition. Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis pasta de cria BIPAL PSITTACIDAE para pequeñas psitacidas, 12 kg TEGAN BIPAL 1333 €61.75 With raisins, gammarus and oats peeled and crushed Bipal Psittacidae is a breeding paste for agapornis, nynphas and other psittacids. It is a food necessary for the breeding of agapornis composed of natural and top quality ingredients. Add to basket
Last items in stock Pasta of breeding birds Pasta de Cria Amarilla VERSELE LAGA Orlux Gold Patee 25kg Versele-laga 424071 €112.18 Orlux Gold boot yellow is a wet paste of high quality, scientifically formulated and elaborated with egg and honey, for canaries, exotic birds and wildlife. Add to basket
Disponible Vitamins for birds complejo vitaminico MUTA VIT VERSELE LAGA indicado para la muda de aves, en polvo 200 gr. Versele-laga 460208 €17.63 Versele-Laga Muta-Vit 200gr, Special blend of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Indicated in the molting process in all types of cage birds Add to basket
Disponible Grit and stones to chop for birds Grit con Corales para Pajaros VERSELE LAGA 2,5kg Versele-laga 423111 €9.85 Prestige Grit with corals is a mixture of oyster shells, flint pebbles, sea corals, brick and charcoal : an indispensable food supplement for all birds. It is not only a rich source of minerals and trace elements, but the presence of flint is essential for good digestion. Add to basket
Last items in stock Fruit for lovebirds Barritas para Agapornis y Ninfas VERSELE LAGA Prestige Sticks con Miel 2 x 70gr Versele-laga 422313 €8.81 Bars semilas and honey, selected to make the delights of our lovebirds and nymphs, as well as parakeets are large in size. Add to basket
Last items in stock Nappy holders Portapañal para ninfa, rabadilla o kakariki NINFASWEB colores surtidos NinfasWeb 230220211824 €18.72 Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Arnes para agapornis, forpus y periquitos NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191224 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for lovebirds, forpus and parakeets. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Arnés para cotorras NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 070620193 €11.92 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed monk parakeets, parrots of the sun. Add to basket
Disponible birds Arnes para ninfa, rabadilla o kakariki NINFAS WEB, colores surtidos NinfasWeb 2202191238 €11.33 Harnesses are a must have accessory for any bird psitácida papillera. It consists of two parts, the harness, that will allow us to hold the animal and a strap ending in a carabiner to pull out of walk safely to our pet. Specially designed for nymphs, rabadillas and kakarikis. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete para Loros ICA BR412 ICA SA BR412 €15.85 Toy or innkeeper for parrots, pericquitos, agapornis, nymphs, etc Manufactured in natural wood Add to basket