Last items in stock toys juguete para pequeños loros y psitacidas FLOWER ON THE ROCK ZuPreem FLOWER €16.03 Novel toy, handmade with flower shape for parrots of medium and small-size. Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasites insecticida antiparasitario externo para aves MENFORSAN 250 ml Menforsan 500000020 €10.01 Product environmental use, do not apply in the presence of animals. Spray insecticide scented for the treatment of infestations of external parasites in all types of birds cage (canaries, finches, parakeets, parrots). Indicated for eliminating and preventing the piojillos, aphids and garrapatillas Add to basket
Disponible Bath salts for pigeons Champú para Aves con glicerina MENFORSAN 125 ML Menforsan 97000071 €9.09 Natural shampoo for the plumage of all types of birds. Contains natural glycerin that brightens and cleanses the plumage leaving it clean , soft and repaired. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Protector hepático Prowins SUPERCHOL plus 500 ml. PROWINS 16052023 €21.49 ProWins Superchol Plus, TOTAL PROTECTION for liver and kidneys in cage birds View