Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios Vita 5 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 240418022 €45.80 I think of extra quality for the limment of the chicks in the nest. View
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios Vita 2 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 24041801 €26.95 I think of extra quality for feeding the chicks in the nest. View
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios mantenimiento 2 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 190918115423 €20.56 Extra quality feed for canary feeding in the form of cria paste View
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios mantenimiento 5 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 1909181205 €43.81 Extra quality feed for canary feeding in the form of cria paste View
Out-of-Stock birds Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios CRÍA 10 kg UNIFEED L.O.R 2702191217 €74.99 Extra quality feed for feeding canaries in the form of breeding paste, especially suitable for the breeding season. View
Out-of-Stock birds pomada para el cuidado de las patas de las palomas TRANSCUTINE COMED 60 gr Comed 38105 €18.79 Transcutine is applied to the legs of the dove. The legs get a beautiful reddish color due to absorption of the components assets is very powerful, leading to the dove an optimal way and cause an abundant yield of powder from the feathers.MODE OF EMPLOYMENT:2 times a week. During the season of competitions the gel is applied before the enceste and after... View
Out-of-Stock birds PADSECT COMED pomada para las patas escamosas en aves, 35 gr Comed 83001 €11.29 The birds sometimes have problems of legs squamous. They are bad and, at times reflected both the legs to get it from the scales. View
Last items in stock Oils for birds Aceite de cria para padres FERTOL COMED para aves 1 Litro Comed 82531 €64.75 Food supplement for päjaros that provides parents with all the vitamins they need in the period of breeding Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Addons for birds COMED CUROL 250 ML Comed 0710202112 €32.79 Curol Eat, the oil of healing, it is a oil of health composition, an antiseptic that helps the immune system of the birds. Aromatics that actively work to prevent disease. Curol Eat is a treatment recommended for the preparation of the breeding and in the time of exhibitions by the stress. View
Disponible Move Aceite para la muda MUROL COMED para aves 250 ml Comed 38263 €19.56 Murol Eat is a refined oil, flavoured to help the metabolism during the molting process. Ideal to combine with Murium Murol can be used all year round to always have a bright plumage. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds vitamina A COMED en polvo COMED para uso en aves 100 gr Comed 82386 €11.61 Use in case of deficiency of vitamin A Dosage: One teaspoon of coffee(5gr) per kg of food View
Disponible Vitamins for birds aceite de cría para aves FERTOL COMED 250ml Comed FER-01 €20.02 The oil for the breeding replaces Megabactol Bird during the period of breeding. 250ml. Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Percha para Pára pajaros 36 cm Copele Copele 09050000 €1.27 PERCH FOR BIRDS COPELE 36 CM Add to basket
Disponible Accessories for birds Percha para aves COPELE de 7 cm, compatible con todas las jaulas Copele 09073500 €0.53 Copele hanger 7 cm. Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Bebedero Automático para Canarios COPELE Copele 09082100 €4.97 Automatic drinker for canaries. This automatic drinker has a valve that is activated at the minimum contact with the bird's beak, the output flow is minimal to prevent the animal from suffering stress when drinking water or being frightened. It is an ideal product for breeders, as it supports an automatic water circuit using rubbers, connections,... Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Automatic bird waterers Botella Bebedero Acuabird sin boquilla Copele 09083600 €3.05 Does not include the mouthpiece of the drinker View
Disponible Lifestyle Bebedero de Cazoleta para Aves COPAVI COPELE Copele 30342 €3.47 BOWL DRINKER FOR BIRDSBowl drinker for chicks, chickens, partridges, pheasants etcc.Opening by pushrod. Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Derivación en "T" 10 mm COPELE Copele 01026400 €0.61 Connection of three T-shaped inputs/outputs. The diameter matches the diameter of the Acuabird and Magic automatic drinkers. Inner diameter: 3 mm Outer diameter: 7 mm (to connect with thin tube) Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Empalme de Tubería Flexible 7 MM COPELE Copele 03059600 €0.58 Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Conexión en forma de Codo COPELE de 10 mm para montaje de bebederos automáticos en... Copele 01037300 €0.61 Right angle splice for thick flexible tube. Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Derivación en "T" reductora COPELE para montaje de tuberias en aviarios 10 / 7 mm. Copele 01028000 €0.61 Splice for flexible pipe. Outer diameter inputs/outputs of 10 mm for thick tube. Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Conexión de agua en Cruz 10 mm COPELE Copele 03000300 €0.79 Splice for flexible pipe. Outer diameter inputs/outputs of 10 mm for thick tube. Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Tubería Flexible de Goma un metro (7 mm) Copele 01028300 €2.17 High quality rubber tube. Special diameter for the entrance of the automatic drinkers for birds Acuabird and Magic For 7 mm diameter connections Add to basket
Disponible Automatic bird waterers Tubería Flexible de Goma COPELE para montaje en aviarios 1 metro 10mm Copele 10281 €5.94 Flexible rubber tube. T It has the same diameter as the 8 l tank outlet and the filter with stopcock. For 10 mm diameter connections Add to basket