Pienso LOR Unifeed Canarios Vita 2 kg
I think of extra quality for feeding the chicks in the nest.

I think UNIFEED L.O.R VITA IS a product studied for feeding nest chicks.
The novel production process means that, together with the cooked part (thermally treated food cerals) a raw part is also added, preserved from thermal damage typical of extrusion.
The granule that forms, capable of absorbing water, is transformed into a soft ball especially pleasant to the breeders in a period of stuffing.
COMPOSITION: cereals, vegetable proteins, oils and fats, mineral substances, , probiotics, prebiotics, amino acidic vitamins, antioxidants, aromas.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: add an equal amount of water (100 gr./100 gr.), wait 30/40 minutes and then carefully remove it before serving. It can be supplied alone or added to unifeed breeding UNIBIRD line. Cooked seeds, sprouts or any other natural product can be added if desired, but vitamins and mineral salts are not recommended.
UnifeedVITA is indicated in the breeding phase with small growing and in the finalization phase providing it daily at the free disposal of the breeders. It can also be supplied throughout the year, in the phase of moulting, minding and preparation to breeding, as integrator and restorative of show birds and breeders. In such cases, supply on alternate days (recommended 2/3 days a week).
WARNING: Once moistened the product should be replaced daily in the middle of summer. In the winter period it can be left available to birds up to 48 hours from preparation. Close the package well once opened to preserve the aroma. Store in a cool, dry place.
Humidity 10%
Crude protein 19%
Gross Fats 10%
Ashes 3%
Inazotati extracts 58%