Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR405 ICA SA BR405 €9.37 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR415 ICA SA BR415 €8.36 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR406 ICA SA BR406 €9.55 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR413 ICA SA BR413 €14.74 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the physical exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible toys Juguete de Madera Natural para Pájaros ICA BR416 ICA SA BR416 €8.39 Toy for birds, entertains and facorece the exercise of your pet. Add to basket
Disponible Antiparasites Tabernil insecticida en Spray para pájaros 750 ml Tabernil 0904202111 €27.41 It immediately and effectively eliminates and prevents infestations caused by external parasites in birds such as lice, aphids, mites, etc. Indications and species of destination: treatment and prevention of infestations by external parasites in canaries and ornament birds in general (parakeets, jilgueros, pigeons, etc.). Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Seeds Semillas Germinadas para Canarios AVIANVET Germix Ala Blanca 1 kg avianvet 36255 €17.37 View
Disponible birds Tabernil muda 100 ml Tabernil 23051804 €20.16 Tabernil muda is a supplement vitamin for canaries and birds of adornment in general (parakeets , parrots , finches , etc) that is administered in the form of drops in the drinking water Add to basket
Disponible Saquitos/ Cama-Nido/ Túnel Casita y Refugio para Pájaros ICA ICA SA CR1710 €12.80 Shelter hanging for birds, made of very smooth material Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Comida para Jilgueros AVIMAX Forte Gold Soft 10 kg AVIMAX 117611 €81.05 Wet egg paste with extra vitamins and amino acids for better growth. Designed for goldfinches, finches and general European fauna Provide daily during the breeding and molting period. Add to basket
Last items in stock birds Pasta de Cria Morbida AVIMAX Moist Amarilla 10 kg AVIMAX 117520 €51.71 Avimax, the best egg breeding pasta, enriched with prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins and amino acids Add to basket
Disponible birds Pasta de Cria Morbida AVIMAX Forte Premium Blanca 1 kg AVIMAX 117503 €11.54 Avimax white breeding paste without golden. Enriched with prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins and amino acids The best pasta for your birds! Add to basket