Pasta de Cria Morbida AVIMAX Moist Amarilla 10 kg

Avimax, the best egg breeding pasta, enriched with prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins and amino acids

VAT included
The perfect combination
Avimax yellow brood paste for ornamental birds
Pasta de Cria Morbida AVIMAX Moist Amarilla 10 kg
VAT included

Composition : eggs and egg derivatives, derivatives of vegetable origin, sugars, bakery products, vegetable protein extracts, oils and fats, seeds, herbal processing products (parsley), minerals

How to use : simultaneous use with drinking water in which choline chloride has been added should be avoided. It is recommended not to exceed the supplementary levels of 1000 mg choline chloride / kg of complete feed.
The product contains 25000.0 IU of vitamin A. Therefore, complementary feed may constitute a maximum of 40% of the complete daily ration.

Store in a cool, dry place. Always provide fresh drinking water.

Analytische bestanddelen – Analytische Bestandteile – Analytical constituents: Ruw eiwit – Rohprotein – Crude protein: 14.9%, Ruw vet – Rohfett – Crude fat: 12.7%, Ruwe celstof – Rohfaser – Crude fiber: 6.6%, Ruwe as – Rohasche – Crude ash: 3.0%, Calcium – Kalzium: 0.18%, Phosphore: 0.19%, Natrium – Sodium: 0.00% Toevoegingsmiddelen – Zusatzstoffe – Additifs /kg: Nutritionele toevoegingsmiddelen - Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe - Nutritional additives /kg: Vitamin(e) A (3a672a): 25000.0 IE, Vitamin(e) D3 (3a671): 2500.0 IE, Vitamin(e) E (3a700): 312.5 mg, Vitamin(e) K3 (3a711): 6.25 mg, Vitamin(e) B1 (3a821): 3.75 mg, Vitamin(e) B2 (3a825ii): 12.5 mg, Cholinechlorid(e) (3a890): 187.5 mg, Calcium-D-pantothenaat/ Calcium-DPantothenat/ Calcium D-pantothenate (3a841): 37.5 mg, Vitamin(e) B6 (3a831): 12.5 mg, Foliumzuur/ Folsäure/ Folic acid (3a316): 1.88 mg, Vitamin(e) B12 (cyanocobalamin): 62,5 mcg, Vitamin(e) C (3a300): 744.0 mg, Biotin(e) (3a880): 625.0 mcg, L-Carnitin(e) (3a910): 62.5 mg, L? lysin(e)monohydrochlorid(e) (3c322) 1302.3 mg, DL-Methionin(e) (3c301) 622.4 mg, LThreonin(e) (3c410) 3430.0 mg, L-Tryptofaan/L-Tryptophan (3c440) 1488.5 mg, L-Valin(e) (3c370) 67.6 mg, 3b103 ijzer(II)sulfaat monohydraat/Eisen(II)-sulfat-Monohydrat/Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate: 37.5 mg, 3b201 Kaliumjodid(e)/Potassium iodide: 0.88 mg, 3b405 Koper(II)sulfaat pentahydraat/Kupfer(II)sulfat-pentahydrat/Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate: 12.0 mg, 3b503 Mangaan(II)sulfaat monohydraat/Mangan(II)-sulfat Monohydrat/Manganous sulphate monohydrate: 125.0 mg, 3b605 Zinksulfaat monohydraat/Zinksulfat Monohydrat/Zinc sulphate monohydrate: 120.0 mg, 3b801 Selenium, Natriumseleniet/Natriumselenit/Sodium selenite: 0.25 mg Zootechnische toevoegingsmiddelen - Zootechnische Zusatzstoffe - Zootechnical additifs /kg: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. animalis DSM16284, Lactobacillus salivarius ssp. salivarius DSM16351, Enterococcus faecim DSM21913 (4b1890) min. 3.19 x 10-8 cfu Bevat EG toegestane antioxidanten en kleurstoffen / Enthält EU zugelassene Antioxidantien und Farbstoffe / Contains EC permitted antioxidants colourants

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