Out-of-Stock Recuperator for pigeons GENETTE CG 30 SUPERFORME Recuperador y anti-fatiga para palomas 100 comprimidos Genette 6001 €14.47 CG 30 Superforme (sound Retriever, anti-fatigue) for pigeons INDICATIONS: - Delays the onset of fatigue. - Speeds up the process of recovery after the flight - Stimulates the metabolism. - Increases physical performance. - Prevents the onset of muscle soreness and muscle pulls. View
Out-of-Stock Electrolytes for pigeons Electrolitos + Glucosa Vitaminada para aves AVIPHARM Rohnfried 1000 ml Rohnfried 10869 €24.66 Avipharm of Röhnfried combines electrolytes with glucose and a concentrate of vitamins, especially designed for pigeon competition. View
Out-of-Stock Liver Protector for pigeons Rohnfried SEDOCHOL 500 ml ,desintoxica el hígado, los riñones y la sangre en aves Rohnfried 11347 €17.93 Preparation specially designed to promote the function of the liver and kidneys as well as to detoxify the blood. View
Out-of-Stock Antibacterial for birds Rohnfried AVIDRESS Plus, preventivo natural contra salmonelosis para aves, 1 litro Rohnfried 11145 €20.99 Rohnfried Avidress Plus 1000 ml (preventive 100% natural against salmonellosis). Pigeons and Birds View
Out-of-Stock Recuperator for pigeons GENETTE VITA B+ 100 comprimidos, revitalizante para palomas Genette 31012020 €13.86 Vita B Plus + Taurine and L-Carnitine, fortifying muscle high quality for pigeons racing View
Out-of-Stock birds Comida de Mantenimiento para Canarios PSITTACUS SERINUS Yellow 350gr PSITTACUS SE2704 €8.11 Complete and balanced feed for breeds of birds with yellow factor. View
Out-of-Stock Pasta of breeding for lovebirds Pasta de Cria para Pajaros PSITTACUS Eggfood 1kg PSITTACUS PI2000 €19.06 Food in mush for the first few months of life of small birds (agapornis, nymphs, parakeets, etc). View
Disponible Mash for birds Papilla para Psittacidas PSITTACUS Neonatal 1kg PSITTACUS PA-3310 €30.22 Suitable for most species of parrots. It can be used from the first day of life until the moment in which there will be the first canyons of the feather, only in the newborn stage (we recommend to use Psittacine Crop Milk Replacer in the first phase of this stage). Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Purificante Natural Antihongos y Antibacterias CANARIZ para el Agua de Aves 250 ml Canariz 015020 €11.10 Synergistic combination of organic acids, fungicides and fungistáticos in binding minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Intestinal Flora, Probiotics Purificante Natural Antihongos y Antibacterias CANARIZ para el Agua de Aves 1 Litro Canariz 039007 €18.65 Synergistic combination of organic acids, fungicides and fungistáticos in binding minerals. Add to basket
Disponible Antibacterial for birds Anticocidios Natural para Aves CANARIZ Dax V3 50 ml Canariz 015144 €13.64 DAX-V3 Liquid Enhancer of the body's defenses, with properties sanificantes, with a high content of active ingredients, is effective on the cocidios, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and worms. Add to basket
Last items in stock Antibacterial for birds Anticocidios Natural para Aves CANARIZ Dax V3 250 ml Canariz 015647 €19.61 DAX-V3 Liquid Enhancer of the body's defenses, with properties sanificantes, with a high content of active ingredients, is effective on the cocidios, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and worms. Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Antibacterial for birds Rohnfried AVIDRESS PLUS, preventivo natural contra salmonelosis para aves, 5 litros Rohnfried 11146 €65.84 Rohnfried Avidress Plus 5 liters, (100% natural preventative against salmonellosis). Pigeons and Birds View
Last items in stock Calcium for birds Complemento para Aves CANARIZ Dax Perform 200 gr Canariz 063002 €19.80 PERFORM guarantees: - Feathers fluffy and soft. - Greater vitality - A change of clothes, perfect - A fertility upper - Greater resistance to disease - Excellent health - A song that is more balanced and bright Add to basket
Disponible birds Potenciador del Celo y Canto para AvesCANARIZ Dax Orty Max 250 ml Canariz 015665 €19.71 Enhancer of zeal and singingExtract of nettle, oregano, thyme tehobroma cocoa and vitaminsImproved health increases the zeal, the power and the quality of the song in the goldfinches, siskins,greenfinches and other birds of cage Add to basket
Last items in stock Addons for birds Complemento para Aves CANARIZ Dax Perform 500 gr Canariz 066006 €26.36 PERFORM guarantees: - Feathers fluffy and soft. - Greater vitality - A change of clothes, perfect - A fertility upper - Greater resistance to disease - Excellent health - A song that is more balanced and bright Add to basket
Out-of-Stock Vitamins for birds ROHNFRIED E50 taubenfit e + selenio 250 ml, para aves Rohnfried 11497 €16.10 Vitamin E + Avianvet is a multivitamin-mineral that contains a combination of vitamin E and selenium are particularly suitable for the period of playback. In addition Vitamin E + Avianvet is enriched with vitamin A, to achieve better results of fertility. View
Out-of-Stock birds Comida de Inicio para Loros y Psittacidas PSITTACUS Omega 800gr PSITTACUS PI-1410 €19.01 This fantastic I think of Psittacus is indicated as food of the transition from the animal to stop taking porridge until adulthood. This is a I think perfect for feeding the exclusive or complementary bird psitácidas, as parrots african or yacos View
Disponible birds Comida para Periquitos PSITTACUS Micro 1kg PSITTACUS PI3000 €13.17 A feed is complete for birds of small size of the family of the psitácidas (nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars, etc.). Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Agarpornis PSITTACUS Minor 450gr PSITTACUS p410 €11.30 Psittacus, I think, minor Psittacus, I think minor is a food specially formulated for birds as small as lovebirds, kakarikis, forpus, parakeets, etc... Its formula is designed to feed these birds throughout the year, Add to basket
Out-of-Stock birds Comida para Agapornis PSITTACUS Minor 3kg PSITTACUS PI4030 €43.89 Psittacus Minor 3 kg feed for lovebirds View
Disponible birds Comida para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 3kg PSITTACUS PI1120 €41.99 Psittacus Formula Mini is a high quality feed indicated for Nymphicus (nymphs) and paraingas Add to basket
Disponible Agapornis Comida de Inicio para Loros y Psittacidas PSITTACUS Omega 3kg PSITTACUS PI1430 €54.49 Transitional food from the bird stops taking porridge until it can assimilate adult feed Add to basket
Disponible birds Comida para Ninfas PSITTACUS Mini 12kg PSITTACUS PI1150 €118.04 It is indicated for small species such as nymphs, lovebirds, parrots, budgerigars... Add to basket