Vitamin E + Avianvet is a multivitamin-mineral that contains a combination of vitamin E and selenium are particularly suitable for the period of playback. In addition Vitamin E + Avianvet is enriched with vitamin A, to achieve better results of fertility.
This product can be used to stimulate the zeal both in males as in females. Recommended for use during the periods prior to the breeding season and along the latter, when the bird is subjected to a muscle activity is intense or during periods of increased growth of skeletal muscle.
Due to its antioxidant activity, Vitamin E + Avianvet can also be used in situations of hypovitaminosis, alterations, muscle, encephalopathies and degenerative processes of the organism.
- Increases the fertility and the number of eggs fertilized.
- Stimulates the laying of eggs
- Excellent concealer for cases of vitamin deficiency in the body
- Very beneficial during breeding
- Helps to prevent muscle atrophy, spasms, muscle stiffness
Vitamin E; Selenium and vitamin A.
Administration in the drinking water . Use at a dose of 2.5 ml per litre of drinking water at periods of 3-4 days weekly during the 4 weeks prior to the apareamineto. The drinking water should be renewed daily.
Canaries, Parakeets and other ornamental birds, (up to 110 gr weight): 2.5 ml per liter of drinking water.
For all type of birds cage.