Papilla para Loros PSITTACUS Alta proteina 5kg
Porridge designed to manually breed those species of parrot that require diets low in fat (Amazon, Pionus, Psittacula, Pyrrhura, Pionites leucogaster).
It is a continuation porridge that must be used from the moment the barrels of the feathers emerge until emancipation.

Indicated to manually breed those species of parrot that require diets low in fat. It contains high oleic oil, stable and suitable for your needs. It also contains papaya, favoring digestive transit.
It is a continuation porridge that must be used from the moment the barrels of the feathers emerge until emancipation. For example, in Amazons it is used from the 3rd week of life.
It is advisable to prepare the porridge with warm water and with a solids concentration of approximately 25%. We recommend giving it to the chick by soft probe.
In younger animals, it is essential to use first age porridge such as crop milk for granivorous parrots or Neonatal porridge for granivorous parrots (depending on the age of the chick).
During emancipation it will be gradually replaced by Omega or High Protein Breeding.