Pienso LOR UNIFEED Exóticos mantenimiento 2 kg
I think Unifeed for exotic granivorous birds like Stroldids and Ploceidos
( Diamonds, Exotic Africans, Exotic Asians, Ingers, Paddles)
It offers magnificent results in the breeding and maintenance of these species.

I think Unifeed for exotic granivorous birds such as Stroldids and Diamond Ploceidos, exotic Africans, exotic Asians, erging, paddles etc.
It offers magnificent results in the breeding and maintenance of these species.
Exotic Unifeed feed can be administered dry or moistened with water or juice giving an ice cream-like consistency.
Wetting it is more appetizing and needs to be changed once a day.
COMPOSITION: Cereals, tubers, oils and fats, milk derivatives, vegetable proteins, sugars, mineral substances, probiotics, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and aromas.
UNIFEED ADAPTION METHOD: Most birds eat it dry. In birds more reluctant to try unknown foods, water or juice can be added to make it more appetizing. Chopped fruit or live, thawed or dehydrated
After making sure the birds eat it, it will be possible to supply the product dry or moistened..