Professional pasta for all kinds of birds, especially for light-colored ones

Professional pasta for all kinds of birds, especially for light-colored ones such as recessive and dominant whites, yellows and red mosaics and all white-bottomed melons. This pasta is ideal for ranges of canaries with doré problems. Avoid unwanted colors in feathers, without dyes, with flaxseeds, blacksmith, knob and white wicker, carriers of unsaturated omega 3 and Omega-6 fatty acids essential for the proper functioning of the body. This paste has a very rich smell and a very fluffy texture and thanks to the high amount of fat it contains makes the birds eat it very well, therefore, they engout the chickens very well. Based on bakery products, plant protein extract, oils and fats, natural sugars, seeds, milk and dairy products, egg products, mineral substances and natural aromas. Ideal in the breeding, maintenance and moulting stages; Each format contains a premix composed of vitamins, mineral salts and essential amino acids that come together with the paste to achieve a highly nutritious and balanced diet.
Composition: Humidity 9.5%; Crude Protein 19%; Crude fat 16%; Crude fiber 2%; Ashes 2%.
Indicated use: Ideal for breeding, maintenance and moulting.
Dosage: Supply daily along with regular food, renew daily and leave fresh and clean water available.