Suplemento Completo para Palomas AVIFORM Ultimate 11 en 1 2,5 Litros
New formula of ultra Aviform ultimate 11-in-1 (as a direct replacement of 9-in-1). No other product offers so many benefits.

New formula of ultra Aviform ultimate 11-in - 1 (as a direct replacement of 9-in-1).
No other product dove one-it offers so many benefits. Health Peak, conditions and performance, improve endurance and recovery, Pigeonguard that helps prevent canker, cocci and worms, improved intestinal health, stools more firm, improvement of the quality of the pen and the drinking water disinfected. Now, with added electrolytes / trace elements to improve the recovery, Amino acids, nucleotides, and to help the regeneration of muscle tissue, all of this is a product without equal.
Please see below for a complete list of the additional benefits.
At Aviform we are committed to ensuring that your pigeon is at its optimum health through the production of a wide range of supplements with the finest ingredients, with each formulation Aviform backed by over 30 years experience in the health of the pigeon.
New Formula Aviform ultimate 11-in-1 still provides 13 vitamins high potency to help ensure peak health, condition and performance, added DMG for improved stamina and recovery, essential oils for the condition of the perfect pen and a better digestion, a probiotic to help prevent bad bug build and the use of nutrients and Pigeonguard that helps prevent canker, cocci and worms, But now also contains electrolytes / trace elements to help with the recovery after the races, Amino acids to a greater status pen, nucleotides to help in the production of cells, the growth and repair of tissues. These are just some of the features that makes Aviform ultimate 11in1 so special.
Specifically formulated for racing pigeons to provide;
The optimal health.
The best conditions.
Improvement of the resistance.
Higher performance.
Faster recovery after the races.
Improved immunity natural (paramixo, illness, yb, droppings, loose).
Helps prevent protozoa and internal parasites (worms).
Supports fertility.
Powerful antioxidant-increases the natural defenses of the birds.
Increase the utilization of nutrients.
Improved moulting with better condition of feathers.
Greater immune support.
Aids intestinal health and reduces the risk of infection.
Assists during periods of stress.
Droppings more firm.
The maintenance of the intestinal flora essential.
Compatible with almost all other products of doves.
Completely safe and effective.
The detoxification of the system.
It helps to disinfect the drinking water (eliminate harmful bacteria).
Supplements level of nucleotide-depleted by illness, medication or stress.
100% natural, safe, and legal.
Guaranteed free of banned substances.
The most complete supplement dove single runs available in the market.
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Pantothenic acid
Folic acid
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Dimethylglycine Pure (DMG) Pigeonguard ™ (exclusive to Aviform Ultimate)
Prebiotic Oil of Oregano
Additional ingredients added to '11in1' Hy-D vitamin D metabolites Chloride potassium Chloride sodium Manganese Zinc Selenium Iodine Copper Lysine
The methionine nucleotides
Add 10 ml per litre (2 pints approx) to drinking water your pigeons and birds
Use three times a week, but will increase to every day during races and periods of stress.
Aviform ultimate can be mixed in the drinking water, with all other products Aviform (as needed), and many other products for pigeons available.
This completely natural product can be added to the drinkers of their pigeons thought the year without side effects.
The pump is equipped with the size of 500 ml. 1 pump = 2 ml. (5 pumps of drinking water per liter).
The use of a drinker, 4 pints - you need 11 pumps. The pump installed in the size of 2500ml. 1 pump = 5ml. (2 pumps of drinking water per liter).
The use of a drinker, 4 pints - you need 4 pumps.