trasportín para pequeñas aves EL ARCA de MOLDES AVES, apto para agencia de transporte
New transporter EL ARCA, for shipping and transport in a comfortable and safe way of your small birds
Accepted by transportation agencies such as MRW

Transportín el Arca , is a novel carrier made of very resistant plastic material, non-toxic, and with non-slip floor.
The Ark carrier is very safe for your shipments, with closure with flanges through the holes in the lid.
They are removable and stackable inside each other to reduce storage space. Mounted are stackable. Very easy to clean.
The Ark carrier has a hole to replenish food and water.
The measures of the Ark carrier are 9.6 cm high, 15 cm. wide and 20 cm long.
They consist of hitch, ladder-shaped perch and 3 visors, all removable for easy cleaning. Incorporates adapter to put in cages or wall.