Estimulante Vitaminado para Aves VERSELE LAGA Fertivit 200gr

Fertivit is a set of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and vitmain E, which will help and stimulate your birds for a perfect breeding season.

VAT included

The perfect combination
FERTIVIT by ORO PHARMA Versele Laga 200 gr
Estimulante Vitaminado para Aves VERSELE LAGA Fertivit 200gr
VAT included

Oropharma Ferti-Vit is a well-balanced blend of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, enriched with vitamin E.

To be used during the preparation for the breeding season, for the singing of canaries and finches and in case of problems in egg laying and fertility, or in cases of death in the egg.

Ferti-Vit stimulates sexual motivation and fertility

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