Mixtura para canarios sin doré ENERGY JARAD 20 kg
Complete food for all breeds of canaries.
It is a varied traditional seed mixture that guarantees a balanced diet.
This varied seed mixture is the best condition for a lasting life in birds. The rich base mixture contains different varieties of seeds and nuggets. Strengthens plumage and improves the natural color of birds. Suitable for all breeds of canaries such as Canarian serinus.
Alpiste (63%), turnip (19%), oilseeds (19%), black oilseeds (6%), flaxseed (5%), oat seeds (3%), hemp seeds (2.5%), blacksmith seeds (1.5%).
Analytical components
Crude protein | 12.5 % |
Crude fat | 13.0 % |
Crude fiber | 10.0 % |
Crude ash | 3.0 % |
Calcium | 0.101 % |
Phosphorus | 0.338 % |
Magnesium | 0.162 % |
Potassium | 0.436 % |
Lysine | 0.376 % |